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  • ItemOpen Access
    Envision YU: Tools for Student Success
    (2022) van Dreumel, Lynda
    Envision YU Instructor Website: Envision YU is a pedagogical approach supporting students to gain the skills necessary to successfully transition into and through their university studies, then out of university and into their careers or further studies when they graduate. This site hosts a collection of teaching resources and instructor supporting materials. It was designed to aid Course Directors in providing opportunities for students to develop personally and academically, all while enhancing student engagement with the instructor’s existing assessments and classroom activities. Many of these resources have been student tested for understanding, interactivity and functionality. Envision YU Student Pressbook (ENGLISH): Envision YU is a suite of open educational resources encompassing instructional materials, learning activities, worksheets and evaluation tools. The tools have been designed to support learners in developing their confidence and ability to successfully transition through and out of university. The resources focus specifically on four capacities that are important to student success, namely teamwork, reflection, self-regulation, and transfer. Under each capacity, instructors can find a range of resources that support learners across the stages of development from comprehending to developing, applying, and advancing each capacity. By stacking complementary resources in a single course, instructors can include opportunities for scaffolded learning and timely feedback. Envision YU Student Pressbook (FRENCH): Envision YU est une suite de ressources éducatives ouvertes comprenant du matériel pédagogique, des activités d’apprentissage, des feuilles de travail et des outils d’évaluation. Ces outils ont été conçus pour aider les apprenants à développer leur confiance et leur capacité à passer avec succès d’une université à l’autre. Les ressources se concentrent spécifiquement sur quatre capacités importantes pour la réussite des étudiants, à savoir le travail en équipe, la réflexion, l’autorégulation et le transfert. Sous chaque capacité, les formateurs peuvent trouver une gamme de ressources qui soutiennent les apprenants à travers les étapes du développement, de la compréhension au développement, à l’application et à l’avancement de chaque capacité. En empilant des ressources complémentaires dans un même cours, les enseignants peuvent inclure des possibilités d’apprentissage encadré et de retour d’information en temps opportun. "
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    PATHS (Pedagogy that Aids Transition for Higher-Ed Students)
    (2022) van Dreumel, Lynda
    PATHS Instructor Website: The Pedagogy that Aids Transition for Higher-Ed Students (PATHS) instructor toolbox was developed to empower and inspire educators to create learning opportunities that support first and second-year students in their transition to university studies by developing attributes and skill sets that will help them succeed in academic situations and beyond. The toolbox will introduce you to the five PATHS attributes that are key to student success (Self Reflection, Self-Regulation, Teamwork, Scaffolded Learning, and Connections to the Real World) and how to use the PATHS toolkit to create learning opportunities for students in your courses. PATHS Student Pressbook (ENGLISH): Pedagogy that Aids Transition in Higher-Ed Students (PATHS) is an open educational resource for higher-ed students to develop and practice important skills, including teamwork, self-regulation, and self-reflection. This project was funded by an Academic Innovation Fund from York University. PATHS Student Pressbook (FRENCH): Bienvenu à Pedagogy that Aids Transition in Higher-Ed Students (PATHS), une ressource éducationnelle ouvertes pour vous, étudiants universitaires, pour développer et pratiquer des habiletés importantes comme le travail d’équipe, l’auto-régulation et la réflexion sur soi. Ce projet a été fondé par une Fond d’Innovation Académique par l’Université York."
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    COMS4208: Praba Pilar technotamaladas
    (2024) Pilar, Praba; Buiani, Roberta
    A lecture performance by Praba Pilar about her work connecting AI, Food, and the Americas tradition of making tamales as a cherished community activity. Pilar sees the connection between food and technology as a natural one. In fact, cultivating corn in the Americas has involved century old techniques to preserve its nutritional value that have guaranteed the survival of countless populations. In fact, Nixtamalization is a centuries old process in which maize is soaked then cooked with ash or lime high in alkali. It removes almost all fumonisins, resulting in tortillas and other maize based foods being substantially free of these mycotoxins. This event was part of the course COMS 4208 Dreaming of Electric Sheep: Emergent Practices in Communications 1.
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    COMS4208: Ecologies of urban farming
    (2024) Buiani, Roberta
    A panel discussion about the intricacies and the industry and community connections needed to build a urban agriculture space. This event was part of the course COMS 4208 Dreaming of Electric Sheep: Emergent Practices in Communications 1.
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    COMS4208: Beyond Food Production
    (2024) Buiani, Roberta
    The event features a food activist, a social justice advocate, a food artist and community organizer and 2 migrant workers who offered their testimony and stories to document the human solidarity and community network needed to protect and advocate for our temporary migrant workers growing food in southern Ontario and Prince Edward County. This event was part of the course COMS 4208 Dreaming of Electric Sheep: Emergent Practices in Communications 1.
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    COMS4208: The Anthropocene Cookbook
    (2024) Buiani, Roberta; Cerpina, Zane; Stenslie, Stahl
    This is a MP4 file with recording of the lecture/interview of the duo who wrote The Anthropocene Cookbook. Unfortunately, we had a tech failure so the scenes of people eating survival food during class did not get recorded. This event was part of the course COMS 4208 Dreaming of Electric Sheep: Emergent Practices in Communications 1.
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    COMS4208: Mycosymbiosis – Emergent Gallery
    (2024) Buiani, Roberta; Yan, Xiaojing
    This pdf file contains documentation of the mushroom installation that took place at York University's Glendon campus in the fall 2023. This installation was part of the course COMS 4208 Dreaming of Electric Sheep: Emergent Practices in Communications 1.
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    COMS4208-Exploring Networks–Pedagogical explorations
    (2024) Buiani, Roberta
    This is a general description of the course and of the series of activities that were offered. Document also contains the full program of the activities with bios.
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    Making and Being- Experiential Creativity in Studio Arts : Annotated Bibliography
    (2024-06) Ward, Holly
    This Annotated Bibliography was created for my Academic Innovation Fund- Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, Category III pedagogical research study. As a Professor of Visual Arts with a focus on Studio Arts, my Scholarship of Teaching and Learning grant aimed to assist in the development of student-centred, holistic, embodied, creative pedagogies. My research sought to develop a deeper awareness of what ‘holistic pedagogy’ is, and why this might matter, as well as some guiding principles and strategies for its implementation in the Studio Arts classroom. In light of the growing ‘epidemic’ of youth depression and anxiety, my project sought to establish pathways to not only support these students, but to shift the focus of the Studio Arts classroom towards integrated learning, personal development, and community engagement. The term ‘holistic’ means that the parts of a given system are intimately interconnected, that they are understandable only in relation to the whole system. A holistic approach to teaching acknowledges that teaching is not merely the act of imparting information, but that learning happens through many different channels, direct and indirect, often simultaneously. When discussing creative pedagogies, holistic approaches acknowledge the multitudinous pathways to developing creative attunement, such as movement, spatial awareness, breathing patterns, interpersonal connection, etc… Creative artistic expression is therefore a product of global cognitive integration. How can our classrooms promote and enhance these processes, helping our students become the most engaged, empowered, and actualized individuals they can be? How might these pedagogical frameworks enhance not only student wellness, but our communities at large? The research performed for my SoTL grant allowed me to explore the growing body of research examining new understandings of cognitive awareness, and how through holistic, student-centred, embodied approaches to learning, subjects can not only enhance creativity, but can develop individual well-being, strengthen community, and decrease the forces of alienation of our time, and to understand how to support our students better. Holistic, student-centred learning environments can provide more than resilience in our students, they can also allow for future-oriented innovation in curricula, research, and community engagement in AMPD, and across York’s diverse curricula. These strategies are aligned with principles of equity, inclusion, decolonization and sustainability, in that students are provided pathways to sincere expression, to develop deeper awareness of their place within community, and to consider their potential to contribute to sustainable futures.
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    Perspectives des étudiants sur l’enseignement engagé à York
    (2024-07-25) Endersby, Lisa; Mohamud, Jabril; Aggarwal, Anshika
    Cette ressource offre aux élèves un point de vue sur la façon dont les instructeurs peuvent promouvoir un enseignement et un apprentissage engagés et significatifs dans leurs cours. Les formateurs et formatrices sont invités à examiner chaque page séparément ou à consulter la ressource dans son ensemble. Des informations et des idées ont été fournies par des étudiants de diverses disciplines et des années d’études dans le but de représenter une diversité de perspectives sur les pratiques de promesses pour l’enseignement engagé directement de nos étudiants.
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    Mastering eClass: Insider Tips by Students for Student Success
    (2024-03-02) Hassan, Mohaimen; Johal, Simren; Skopelitis, Alexis; Simpson, Kallai-Ann; Quan, Gina
    This 2024 eClass blog post was carefully curated by five Student Consultants at the Teaching Commons. Student Consultants work closely with faculty through partnership to share their experience, and to work towards a shared goal of improving education at York University. They have compiled 10 tips to optimize your eClass and support student success through online learning management systems. All quotes and testimonies are from the Student Consulting team.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Maîtriser eClass : Conseils d’initiés par les étudiants pour la réussite des étudiants
    (2024-06-24) Hassan, Mohaimen; Johal, Simren; Skopelitis, Alexis; Simpson, Kallai-Ann; Quan, Gina; Aggarwal, Anshika
    Ce billet de blogue sur la eClass 2024 a été soigneusement préparé par cinq conseillers étudiants du Teaching Commons. Les consultants étudiants travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les professeurs par le partenariat pour partager leur expérience et travailler à un objectif commun d’amélioration de l’éducation à York University. Ils ont compilé 10 conseils pour optimiser votre eClass et soutenir la réussite des étudiants grâce à des systèmes de gestion de l’apprentissage en ligne. Toutes les citations et les témoignages proviennent de l’équipe de Student Consulting.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Student Perspectives On Engaged Teaching At York
    (2024-07) Endersby, Lisa; Mohamud, Jabril
    This resource offers a student perspective on how instructors might promote engaged and meaningful teaching and learning in their courses. Instructors are invited to review each page separately or to engage with the resource as a whole. Insights and ideas were provided by students from a variety of disciplines and years of study with the goal of representing a diversity of perspectives on promising practices for engaged teaching directly from our students.
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    Tutorial Video: How to Write a History Paper (Part 3)
    (2023-08-31) Moretto, Enrico
    In this video, we discuss putting it all together: how to take your research and begin the process of writing your history paper.
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    Tutorial: How to Write a History Paper (Part 2)
    (2023-08-31) Moretto, Enrico
    In part 2 of this series, we look at what kinds of sources a history paper uses. We discuss the difference between primary and secondary sources, why we use them, and how they can be found as you begin your research journey.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Tutorial Video: How to Write a History Paper (Part 1)
    (2023-08-31) Moretto, Enrico
    In this video, we answer the question "what is a history paper?" What do we try to accomplish in history papers, and why is "making an argument" so important?
  • ItemOpen Access
    E-Mentoring Program for Graduate and Undergraduate Nursing Students: Outline of Program Modules and Pre and Post Survey Templates
    (2023) Robbio, Ruth; Bertram, Mavoy; Endersby, Lisa; McCague, Hugh; Brennagh, Helen; Nugent, Doina; Quail, Stephanie
    Many new graduate nurses face difficulties in their transition to professional practice. To help mitigate these difficulties, socialization through social supports and mentoring are critical to facilitate entry to practice (Robbio, 2018) and may be realized through opportunities for empathetic, authentic, and relational mentoring to address ongoing issues, such as isolation and a lack of social connectivity and mental wellbeing, faced by nursing students (Cengiz et al., 2021). Traditional in-person mentoring may encounter barriers, such as unsupportive work environments, lack of mentor access, heavy workloads and location and distance constraints. To address these limitations, an e-mentoring program for nursing students by nursing students was developed as a viable transitional strategy. This document provides individuals with access to the following openly licensed components from York University’s E-Mentoring Program: Partnering Graduate Nursing Students and Undergraduate Nursing Students: A list of the modules in the fully online program; Access to the survey instruments that were developed and administered to e-mentees and e-mentors prior to the program and at the completion of the program.
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    Alexa : Où donc vont mes données?
    (2022) Harvey, Alison; Ioia, Carmina