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  • ItemUnknown
    Perspectives des étudiants sur l’enseignement engagé à York
    (2024-07-25) Endersby, Lisa; Mohamud, Jabril; Aggarwal, Anshika
    Cette ressource offre aux élèves un point de vue sur la façon dont les instructeurs peuvent promouvoir un enseignement et un apprentissage engagés et significatifs dans leurs cours. Les formateurs et formatrices sont invités à examiner chaque page séparément ou à consulter la ressource dans son ensemble. Des informations et des idées ont été fournies par des étudiants de diverses disciplines et des années d’études dans le but de représenter une diversité de perspectives sur les pratiques de promesses pour l’enseignement engagé directement de nos étudiants.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Mastering eClass: Insider Tips by Students for Student Success
    (2024-03-02) Hassan, Mohaimen; Johal, Simren; Skopelitis, Alexis; Simpson, Kallai-Ann; Quan, Gina
    This 2024 eClass blog post was carefully curated by five Student Consultants at the Teaching Commons. Student Consultants work closely with faculty through partnership to share their experience, and to work towards a shared goal of improving education at York University. They have compiled 10 tips to optimize your eClass and support student success through online learning management systems. All quotes and testimonies are from the Student Consulting team.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Maîtriser eClass : Conseils d’initiés par les étudiants pour la réussite des étudiants
    (2024-06-24) Hassan, Mohaimen; Johal, Simren; Skopelitis, Alexis; Simpson, Kallai-Ann; Quan, Gina; Aggarwal, Anshika
    Ce billet de blogue sur la eClass 2024 a été soigneusement préparé par cinq conseillers étudiants du Teaching Commons. Les consultants étudiants travaillent en étroite collaboration avec les professeurs par le partenariat pour partager leur expérience et travailler à un objectif commun d’amélioration de l’éducation à York University. Ils ont compilé 10 conseils pour optimiser votre eClass et soutenir la réussite des étudiants grâce à des systèmes de gestion de l’apprentissage en ligne. Toutes les citations et les témoignages proviennent de l’équipe de Student Consulting.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Student Perspectives On Engaged Teaching At York
    (2024-07) Endersby, Lisa; Mohamud, Jabril
    This resource offers a student perspective on how instructors might promote engaged and meaningful teaching and learning in their courses. Instructors are invited to review each page separately or to engage with the resource as a whole. Insights and ideas were provided by students from a variety of disciplines and years of study with the goal of representing a diversity of perspectives on promising practices for engaged teaching directly from our students.
  • ItemUnknown
    Tutorial Video: How to Write a History Paper (Part 3)
    (2023-08-31) Moretto, Enrico
    In this video, we discuss putting it all together: how to take your research and begin the process of writing your history paper.
  • ItemUnknown
    Tutorial: How to Write a History Paper (Part 2)
    (2023-08-31) Moretto, Enrico
    In part 2 of this series, we look at what kinds of sources a history paper uses. We discuss the difference between primary and secondary sources, why we use them, and how they can be found as you begin your research journey.
  • ItemUnknown
    Tutorial Video: How to Write a History Paper (Part 1)
    (2023-08-31) Moretto, Enrico
    In this video, we answer the question "what is a history paper?" What do we try to accomplish in history papers, and why is "making an argument" so important?
  • ItemUnknown
    E-Mentoring Program for Graduate and Undergraduate Nursing Students: Outline of Program Modules and Pre and Post Survey Templates
    (2023) Robbio, Ruth; Bertram, Mavoy; Endersby, Lisa; McCague, Hugh; Brennagh, Helen; Nugent, Doina; Quail, Stephanie
    Many new graduate nurses face difficulties in their transition to professional practice. To help mitigate these difficulties, socialization through social supports and mentoring are critical to facilitate entry to practice (Robbio, 2018) and may be realized through opportunities for empathetic, authentic, and relational mentoring to address ongoing issues, such as isolation and a lack of social connectivity and mental wellbeing, faced by nursing students (Cengiz et al., 2021). Traditional in-person mentoring may encounter barriers, such as unsupportive work environments, lack of mentor access, heavy workloads and location and distance constraints. To address these limitations, an e-mentoring program for nursing students by nursing students was developed as a viable transitional strategy. This document provides individuals with access to the following openly licensed components from York University’s E-Mentoring Program: Partnering Graduate Nursing Students and Undergraduate Nursing Students: A list of the modules in the fully online program; Access to the survey instruments that were developed and administered to e-mentees and e-mentors prior to the program and at the completion of the program.
  • ItemUnknown
    Alexa : Où donc vont mes données?
    (2022) Harvey, Alison; Ioia, Carmina
  • ItemOpen Access
    Traduction : Révèle ton potentiel de communication
    (2023) Lauffer, Sabine; M, Cédrine; Stacey, Kalin
  • ItemOpen Access
    Translation: Unlock Your Communication Potential
    (Glendon College, Continuing Education, 2023-07-23) Lau; M, Cédrine; Stacey, Kalin; Lauffer, Sabine
  • ItemOpen Access
    Devenir enseignante et enseignant FLS
    (2022-05-01) Scheffel-Dunand, Dominique
    Cet atelier interactif a pour objectif d’initier les élèves de la 9e à la 12e année à l’apprentissage de l’enseignement de la langue française. Les élèves découvriront une variété de compétences pédagogiques durant cet atelier. Ils travailleront ensuite en groupes pour créer une affiche contenant des informations provenant de divers sujets d’enseignement. Les groupes devront présenter leur affiche à la classe sous forme d’une mini leçon en utilisant les habiletés pédagogiques abordées durant l'activité et ainsi exposer les élèves au monde de l'enseignement du français afin de les motiver à poursuivre une potentielle carrière en enseignement.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Debunking Psychology
    (Continuing Education, York University, Glendon Campus, 2022-05-01) rivest, josée
    The field of psychology plays an important role in multiple social domains. In addition to working in mental health, psychology researchers and practitioners contribute to such diverse fields as education, organisational development and marketing, among others. However, despite its broad reach, there remain many misconceptions about psychology and a general lack of knowledge regarding the role psychology plays beyond the field of mental health. This workshop addresses some of these misconceptions and seeks to demystify what it means to study and work in the field of psychology. Participants will look at concrete examples of how psychology research is conducted and explore examples of real-world applications beyond the field of mental health.
  • ItemOpen Access
    La psychologie démystifiée
    (Continuing Education, York University, Glendon Campus, 2022-05-01) rivest, josée
    La psychologie joue un rôle important dans de nombreux domaines sociaux. Évidemment, celles et ceux qui exercent et étudient la psychologie œuvrent dans le domaine de la santé mentale, mais elles et ils interviennent aussi dans des secteurs aussi divers que l’éducation, le développement organisationnel et le marketing, pour ne nommer que ceux-ci. Or, en dépit de sa vaste portée, la psychologie fait toujours l’objet d’idées fausses et d’un manque général de connaissances sur le rôle qu’elle joue ailleurs qu’en santé mentale. Le présent atelier aborde certaines de ces idées fausses et vise à démystifier ce que ce signifie d’étudier et de travailler dans le domaine de la psychologie. Les participantes et participants examineront des exemples concrets de la manière dont la recherche en psychologie est menée et se familiariseront avec des contributions tangibles de la psychologie ailleurs que dans le domaine de la santé mentale.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Prends ton avenir financier en main : Notions de base en placement
    (2022-05) Hao, Jian; Spotton Visano, Brenda
  • ItemOpen Access
    K-12 Science At Home activities for learning about Urban Watershed Management and Biodiversity episode 7 – the indoor biome
    (2022-07-01) LeBlanc, Jenna; Vukovic, Sasha
    Seven in a series of seven short videos delivered via the Faculty of Science YouTube Channel (streaming) and Yorkspace Open Access Institutional Repository (downloadable mp4 file). Each video has an accompanying pamphlet with links to activities. Together, they make the content of undergraduate Online Ecology Field Course Modules accessible for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 who are interested in doing Citizen Science. Activities use inexpensive equipment which all together cost under $20. Equipment includes every day household items, and an origami microscope and a macro-camera lens that fits all mobile phones. With this, Student Citizen Scientists can undertake Ecology Research and Field Work in their home or garden, on their balcony or in the parking lot, while following safe COVID-19 Social Distancing guidelines. Seven laboratory modules introduce a range of safe, Kitchen Sink Ecology activities. Episode 7 introduces the indoor biome.
  • ItemOpen Access
    K-12 Science At Home activities for learning about Urban Watershed Management and Biodiversity episode 6 – urban biodiversity
    (2022-07-01) LeBlanc, Jenna; Vukovic, Sasha
    Sixth in a series of seven short videos delivered via the Faculty of Science YouTube Channel (streaming) and Yorkspace Open Access Institutional Repository (downloadable mp4 file). Each video has an accompanying pamphlet with links to activities. Together, they make the content of undergraduate Online Ecology Field Course Modules accessible for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 who are interested in doing Citizen Science. Activities use inexpensive equipment which all together cost under $20. Equipment includes every day household items, and an origami microscope and a macro-camera lens that fits all mobile phones. With this, Student Citizen Scientists can undertake Ecology Research and Field Work in their home or garden, on their balcony or in the parking lot, while following safe COVID-19 Social Distancing guidelines. Seven laboratory modules introduce a range of safe, Kitchen Sink Ecology activities. Episode 6 introduces urban biodiversity.
  • ItemOpen Access
    K-12 Science At Home activities for learning about Urban Watershed Management and Biodiversity episode 5 – seed and pollen ecology
    (2022-07-01) LeBlanc, Jenna; Vukovic, Sasha
    Fifth in a series of seven short videos delivered via the Faculty of Science YouTube Channel (streaming) and Yorkspace Open Access Institutional Repository (downloadable mp4 file). Each video has an accompanying pamphlet with links to activities. Together, they make the content of undergraduate Online Ecology Field Course Modules accessible for students from Kindergarten to Grade 12 who are interested in doing Citizen Science. Activities use inexpensive equipment which all together cost under $20. Equipment includes every day household items, and an origami microscope and a macro-camera lens that fits all mobile phones. With this, Student Citizen Scientists can undertake Ecology Research and Field Work in their home or garden, on their balcony or in the parking lot, while following safe COVID-19 Social Distancing guidelines. Seven laboratory modules introduce a range of safe, Kitchen Sink Ecology activities. Episode 5 introduces seed and pollen ecology.