
Permanent URI for this community

Students with disabilities need support to succeed in coursework and work-integrated learning (WIL). The knowledge and skills needed to accommodate students with disabilities during placement are at different levels within different institutions. Lack of consistent support can set students with disabilities up to fail. Thus, causing students to leave their programs or limit their employment.

The AcTinSite research project aims to improve accessibility and accommodations for students with disabilities before and during WIL. We do this by collaborating with disabled students, staff at colleges and universities, and staff from health care WIL. We have completed interviews, a qualitative documents analysis, and a design charrette through our collaborations. We use these data sources to design an intervention into WIL as we move forward.

AcTinSite collaborates with three higher education institutions (George Brown College, University of Toronto, and York University) and two hospitals (The Hospital for Sick Children and Sunnybrook Health Science Centre).

AcTinSite is funded by a SSHRC Insight Grant and a SSHRC Connection Grant.
