Work-Integrated Learning, Accessibility, Accommodation (WILAA)

Permanent URI for this community

Universities and colleges have made progress in creating accessible spaces in classrooms. When the classroom is not accessible, universities and colleges offer accommodations. With all this progress, there continue to be issues with accessibility and accommodations in work-integrated learning (WIL) sites. Since placements are a vital part of many educational programs, access becomes a barrier for disabled students. We are worried that the lack of access means that disabled students are less likely to finish their education or get work. This YorkSpace is a place to gather materials related to different research projects that explore WIL and disability accessibility and accommodation.


Communities in this Community

Now showing 1 - 3 of 3
  • Accommodation to Include Students with Disability in Practicum Sites
  • Accommodation stories To includes disabled students in placement (ACTon): Piloting a multi media resource
  • Undergraduate Nursing students with disability Landscape Of Clinical Placements (UNLOC): A participatory-design approach

Collections in this Community

Now showing 1 - 1 of 1
  • Find a collection of resources about Work-Integrated Learning, Accessibility, and Accommodations