Safe schools for (almost) everyone: the Christian Right's resistance to Ontario's LGBT inclusive 'Accepting Schools Act'

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Meraglia, Frank Augustus

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The Christian Right is an important and influential voice in contemporary political discourses and popular culture within Canadian society. This research seeks to analyze the discourses and framing strategies utilized in arguments by the following Christian Right organizations in Ontario: The Institute for Canadian Values, Evangelical Fellowship of Canada, and the Family Coalition Party. Each of these groups opposes the passage of Bill 13: Accepting Schools Act. The aim of the Bill was to introduce LGBT inclusive anti-bullying policies into all Ontario classrooms. A comprehensive content analysis of standing committee transcripts, official documents, multimedia records of interviews, transcripts or public speaking events, and websites/articles produced by these Christian Right organizations in Ontario are analyzed to uncover recurring themes, patterns and objectives of current discourses surrounding this issue. This research provides insights into the rhetorical strategies being utilized by these Christian Right organizations in Ontario as they fight the Accepting Schools Act.


