Linguistics and Applied Linguistics Major Research Papers

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Language and Identity: Perceptions and Ideologies of Calabrese in Toronto
    (2023-08) Hoffman, Michol
    The Calabrese community of Toronto is one of the most robustly represented regional groups within the Italian diasporic community in Toronto and the GTA from its origins in the early to mid-20th century (Hagan & Rando 2007; Sinopoli 2003). Despite the size of the community, the Calabrese variety has been falling out of usage as the community shifts from multilingualism to English monolingualism across generations. It is crucial to study such speech communities as language loss becomes a potential reality (Nagy 2017). This paper is concerned with the relationship between language and identity as it pertains to the language attitudes of Italian-Canadians. Throughout this paper, I will address questions centralizing the linguistic features which index a Calabrese identity, the ways in which these markers serve to differentiate regional groups of Italians, and the interaction between language ideologies and attitudes towards regional groups. By addressing such questions, I aim to develop a deeper understanding of the community and their perception of regional language variation. In doing so, I will be contributing to ongoing documentation of regional varieties of Italian that are falling out of usage in the diasporic setting.
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    Dingxi Mandarin /n/-/l/ Merger and its Transfer to L2 English
    (2023-07) Jin, Dawei; Narayan, Chandan
    In Dingxi, a remote place in Gansu province of China, the alveolar nasal /n/ and the lateral /l/ merge in the local Mandarin dialect. The author, born and raised in Dingxi, observes that himself and local people have difficulties in producing English words with syllable-initial [n-], e.g., Nike, nice, neighbor, noodle, national etc. Similar /n/-/l/ merger is attested in a variety of Mandarin dialects (Sichuan, Hubei, Yunnan, Shanxi, Shandong), as well as in Cantonese, South Min, and other Chinese languages. Literature on the Cantonese /n/-/l/ merger appears in English and some Chinese literature addresses the same phenomenon in Mandarin as well as its transfer to L2 English. This paper deals primarily the nasality of [n/l]-initial words in Dingxi Mandarin and L2 English using acoustic cues (F2-F1, A1P0, F3, BW1, DeltaA1, Relative RMS), and investigates the realization of the /n/-/l/ merger in various phonological environment in both Dingxi Mandarin and L2 English. To preview the results, both the acoustic and phonological analysis confirm that the /n/-/l/ merger in Dingxi Mandarin transfers to L2 English. Importantly, I introduce a velum coarticulation hypothesis that explains these phenomena-- from the reduced nasality of alveolar nasal in Dingxi Mandarin, to the reversed F2-F1 pattern in Dingxi Xi rhymes [i y] comparing with native English speakers, and to the convergence of the F2-F1 value of /n/ and /l/ in Hon rhymes [a o e u]. I also show that the nasality measurement illustrates a convergence of /n/ and /l/ to an acoustic realization that lies between /n/ and /l/, a phenomenon that has not been described previously.
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    'Ovary Motional': Constructing Gender and Identity in Roller Derby Names
    (2023-08) Hambleton, Sophie; King, Ruth
    The present work is concerned with roller derby, long considered a socially transgressive sport. It began with sports promoter Leo Seltzer’s marathon on roller skates, which took place in Chicago, Illinois in 1935 (Gieseler, 2014). Seltzer sought ways to make his marathon less repetitive than the participants simply doing laps, and began to add elements of both show business and contact sport, which drew in large crowds. In a 1971 interview with the New York Times, Seltzer described the basic appeal of roller derby as ‘noise, colour, body contact’ (Harlan, 2019, p.1).
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    The Perception of Mixed Utterances by Jamaican Bilinguals
    (2023-08) Gooden, Amanda C.; Angermeyer, Philipp
    Language in Jamaica is marked by high variation (Patrick, 2004 as cited in Kennedy, 2017) among speakers across all linguistic contexts (Christie, 2003). This is caused by two broad factors: firstly, by the varying linguistic repertoires among speakers, with some speakers being dominant Jamaican Creole (JC) speakers, some dominant Standard Jamaican English speakers (SJE), and some balanced bilinguals (Kennedy, 2017) and secondly, by the blurred boundary between English, the language brought to the island by British colonizers in 1655, and Jamaican Creole, the de facto National language of the country and language of the majority (Farquharson, 2013), whose genesis is attributed to language contact between speakers of English and various African languages during the period of colonization in the country. Because of the relationship between these languages in their structure and usage, they are proposed to exist on a continuum, with forms closer to Jamaican Creole being basilectal forms at one end and forms closer to Mainstream English being acrolectal forms on the other end (DeCamp, 1971). These however, are idealized forms, as most speech lies between poles, and speech found here are called mesolectal forms. These forms are likely the result of language mixing that has been present since the creation of JC (Patrick, 2013) and continued contact between JC and its lexifier, SJE. The purpose of this research project is to determine how Jamaican speakers process linguistic forms that do not neatly belong to either language by observing where they judge linguistic utterances to belong on a visual depiction of the proposed language continuum. The placement of these utterances by participants of this study will be tested against two social variables: the geographical location of speakers and their language attitudes. The first variable will be tested by including speech perception by Jamaicans living in the island and those living in the diaspora, namely various cities in Canada and the United States of America. The second variable will be tested by asking participants about their attitudes towards language use in Jamaican contexts, specifically JC that has held an inferior social status to SJE in Jamaica, because of its perception as a broken variety of English (Kouwenberg et al., 2011), associated with poverty and a lack of education (Christie, 2003).
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Effects of Comparative Explicit Instruction on Gender Marking of Possessive Adjectives and Pronouns
    (2023-08) Beatrice, Cindy; Smeets, Liz
    Learners acquiring a second language can receive input about the L2 grammar in a natural environment, and/or through explicit instruction (EI). The latter is quite common among adult L2 learners, but how necessary or useful EI is, is still an open debate. As argued by Henry, Culman, and VanPatten (2009) “not all EI is the same, not all structures are the same, and the interaction of EI, structure, and processing problems may yield different results in different studies”. Explicit instruction has been argued to be particularly beneficial for grammatical phenomena where learners continue to perform non-target like (Izquierdo & Collins, 2008; McManus, 2013; and more). The current research investigates the effects of explicit instruction on a linguistic phenomenon that has been shown to be problematic also for more advanced learners, namely gender marking on possessive pronouns and adjectives. Specifically, we compare instruction in the L2 only to a comparative approach where instruction is provided in both the L1 and L2. In this thesis, chapter one focuses on existing literature and past studies relevant to the current research, such as the generative approach to second language acquisition (SLA), L1 transfer in SLA, and theories about explicit instruction and comparative explicit instruction. Chapter two explains the focus of the research, with an outline of the topic of this study, an explanation of how possessive adjectives and pronouns work in English, and how their counterparts work in Spanish and Italian, and a presentation of previous research on this topic. Chapter three presents the research questions, methods, tasks, and participant descriptions. The results of each test are presented in chapter four, with an explanation of the two types of instructions the groups received, as well as the analysis of the final results. Finally, the conclusion is followed by the appendix with the tasks and a complete bibliography of works cited.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Recontextualization of Ruth Bader Ginsburg: Textual Trajectories and Meaning in Social Media Posts about Roe v Wade
    (2022-08) Michels, Victoria R.; Ehrlich, Susan L.
    In this exploratory study, I investigate how Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s texts about the Roe v. Wade case are recontextualized into news and social media discourse on abortion following the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade. Using Critical Discourse Analysis with data collected from Twitter and American news media outlets, I consider the trajectories and meanings of Ginsburg’s texts when they are recontextualized into new discursive contexts. My analysis found that both pro-choice and anti-abortion discourse recontextualize her texts, focusing on different aspects to support one of the two positions on abortion. I conclude that the trajectory of Ginsburg’s texts into pro-choice discourse may contribute to gender empowerment by referencing Ginsburg’s advocacy for individual autonomy and choice for women whereas the trajectory into anti-abortion discourse may perpetuate gender inequality by focusing on state rights and her criticisms of the decision while diminishing her support of choice and autonomy.
  • ItemOpen Access
    A Minimalist Review of Current Theories on Japanese Passivisation
    (2022-08) Langstroth, Zachary; Alboiu, Gabriela
    The Japanese passive voice has presented challenges to a universal theory of passivisation as a process where an internal argument, usually the direct object, is promoted to the subject position. A subset of Japanese passives called “indirect” passives appear to increase the valence of their predicate, containing an additional argument, occupying the subject position, when compared to corresponding active sentences. This has led to some controversy in research assuming specific structures for such sentences, with some researchers arguing that the passive morpheme in indirect passives is merely homophonous with a counterpart in more traditional passives, while some argue that Japanese has no true passive voice. Recently, some arguments have been made that the subjects of these indirect passives in fact do have active sources which are obscured by general facts of movement in Japanese, i.e. that post-nominal elements are never left stranded. This text is intended as a critical review of prior research on the Japanese passive under current Minimalist understandings of syntactic theory. To that end, three prominent schools of thought on Japanese passive formation are examined: Non-uniform analyses, which posit two homophonous passive morphemes used in different constructions; Uniform analyses, which claim that Japanese has no true indigenous passive voice; and the recent unified passive analysis put forth by Ishizuka (2012), which posits that instances of increased valence in certain passives are in fact derived in a similar manner to English pseudo-passives, where a non-core argument is promoted to the subject position. These theories will be compared in how well they comply with given data, as well as their tenability under syntactic assumptions made in current Minimalist Program-based theory.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The Semantic Derogation of Female
    (2022-08) Ferley, Andrew; King, Ruth
    As Schulz (1975) observed decades ago, terms of reference can reflect a range of underlying ideological assumptions. One of her examples of this phenomenon is the lexical choice between freedom fighter and terrorist (p. 64), with the former reflective of positive appraisals and the latter a far more negative one. Schulz goes on to discuss the phenomenon she labels “the semantic derogation of women” whereby once neutral terms of reference undergo pejoration; part of the discussion compares terms like lady with its male counterpart gentleman, with the former undergoing pejoration in many contexts but not the latter. I first became aware of this phenomenon sometime during 2020, with regard to terms of reference for women when I observed people replying to online posts which described women as females with entirely textless responses consisting solely of pictures of an alien race from the television series Star Trek: The Next Generation and Star Trek: Deep Space Nine. These aliens are caricatures of capitalism and misogyny, and they themselves refer to women as females. I interpreted these interactions to mean those who posted these pictures of the fictitious aliens were signalling shared gender ideology with the Star Trek aliens. However, “terminally online” behaviour like this often does not necessarily translate into real-world discursive patterns. I next asked many of the women in my life their reactions to hearing women referred to as female(s). While there was some variation in response, quite a few reported that this was a red flag for them, and men who did this, in their experience, were either dangerous or toxic. I followed up on these observations with an informal sampling of friends and coworkers, and the results were suggestive of female as a lexical variant which had undergone semantic derogation. Later in 2021, I conducted a qualitative analysis of the online communications of a misogynistic online Pickup Artist community which utilized this lexical variant frequently. However, while some findings were suggestive of such an analysis, they were ultimately inconclusive as within that insular community, one manner of referring to women seemed as hostile as any other. The present study continues this examination of what I have come to refer to as the conspicuous female. Specifically, I characterise it as a lexical variant for women which, when it occurs outside of clinical contexts, seems to carry ideological baggage. To this end, I approach the question from a different direction than my earlier project, which was small in scale and purely qualitative in analysis. First, I re-administer an earlier survey on attitudes towards this lexical variant with a larger sample and a wider age range than in my previous research. Secondly, I mine Twitter using keyword searches for a reasonably large corpus of tweets containing the targeted variant, female, and a variant which is less negatively charged, woman. The choice of this second, more innocuous variant, was decided based on results from the attitudinal survey. The Twitter data are analyzed using the tools of critical discourse analysis (van Dijk 2005), for content which indexes prejudicial ideologies as well as quantitative variationist methodology (Bayley 2019).
  • ItemOpen Access
    English-Mandarin code-switching in a bilingual family
    (2022-08) Cui, QingXiao; Angermeyer, Philipp
    The study of code-switching has raised and attempted to answer a number of questions related to the nature of language use, the motivations behind different kinds of language use, and the very nature of a “language.” Broadly, two questions have been central: the “how?” and the “why?” When interlocutors alternate between two or more languages or language varieties, what are the formal and structural features of their language use, and what are their motivations for doing so? The present study intends to investigate both of these questions in the context of the code-switching behaviours of one English-Mandarin bilingual family living in Canada. Canada is home to many immigrant languages, one of the most prominent among them being Mandarin (Statistics Canada, 2017; 2022). In addition, Chinese diaspora communities that speak a variety of Chinese and non-Chinese languages exist worldwide, and their code-switching practices are accordingly varied (Li, 2016).
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    Case Assignment: A Comparison between Agreement-based versus Dependent Case Accounts
    (2022-08) Cai, Wenyi; Alboiu, Gabriela
    This major research paper (MRP) aims to review the literature that has looked into Case theories from a generative grammar perspective from Government and Binding (Chomsky, 1981) onwards. Specifically, it offers a critical examination of the agreement-based Case account (Chomsky, 1981, 1995, 2000, 2001, etc.) and the dependent Case account (Marantz, 1991), and discusses their contribution to our current understanding of syntactic Case valuation on nominal arguments. Various counterevidence is also presented, which raises potential problems for both accounts.
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    The Rhotic Consonant(s) in Contemporary Modern Irish
    (2022-08) Cahill, Griffin; Elfner, Emily
    The subject of this major research paper (MRP) is the status of rhotic consonant(s) in the phonemic inventory of Modern Irish (Gaeilge, Nua-Ghaeilge). Traditional studies of the phonologies of dialects of Irish have described the rhotic in Irish as consisting of the alveolar tap (/ɾ/) with contrastive palatalized and velarized secondary articulations (/ɾj/ and /ɾɣ/) (Ó Cuív 1944; de Bhaldraithe 1966; Hamilton 1974; Sutton 1993; Ó Baoill 1996; Ó Raghallaigh 2014). The alveolar approximate ([ɹ]) as an allophone of /ɾ/ has also recently been attested in some studies (Ó Sé 2000: 19; Hickey 2014; Kukhto & Nikolaev 2016). However, the emergence of this allophone, and the precise circumstances under which it occurs, have largely been unexplored. This is not to say that previous scholars have ignored the occurrence of /ɹ/ broadly, but potentially that this is a new and ongoing phenomenon. As an example, previous work of the rhotic of Montréal French has shown that changes like this can occur rapidly (Sankoff & Blondeau 2007). Most previous studies of Irish phonetics and phonology have focused on speakers living in a Gaeltacht, the rural traditionally Irish speaking geographic regions primarily located on the Atlantic fringe of the island. However, the expansion of private Irish-medium schooling in the form of Gaelscoileanna since the 1970’s, as well as substantial sustained capital and political investment from successive Irish governments have produced a great number of high-level L2 users, as well as native speakers from non-Gaeltacht backgrounds. A part of the impetus to this research is to include these “new” speakers in the conversations around language change and variation in Irish as well, particularly as the Gaeltachtaí continue to be threatened and as “urban Irish” speakers begin to form a larger and larger portion of the language’s user base. There is also evidence uncovered in scholarly work that Irish phonology and phonetics are changing in other, broader ways, even amongst Gaeltacht speakers (Welby et al. 2017; Müller et al. 2019).
  • ItemOpen Access
    How the name of your lipstick reflects society’s notion of who you are: A linguistic analysis of cosmetic colour names
    (2022-08) Bressler, Clint; Angermeyer, Philipp
    The topic for this paper was inspired from frequent visits to cosmetic retail outlets which prompted an inquiry about colour names driven by two primary observations. The first was that the colour names displayed for the products rarely described their ascribed colour. The second was that these colour names were often abstract in nature, indexing an abstract concept rather than anything directly related to the properties of colour. This pattern varied some between brands and products, but the general observations remained the same. The question arises, if most colour names can have no descriptive qualities, then what is their intended purpose? Thus, this paper focuses on the themes and entities that colour names index, why brands choose to index these themes, how these colour naming conventions relate to the linguistic anthropologic discussions of colour terms, and how this affects the scope of linguistic landscapes.
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    The effects of prosody and production planning in external t-sandhi
    (2022-08) Borje, Cydklaire; Elfner, Emily
    The change in pronunciation of word-final /t/ in English is known as external coronal stop sandhi and is understood to be motivated by several phonological conditions. Though much of the research in this area (e.g., Tanner et al., 2017, Kilbourne-Ceron et al., 2016, Coetzee and Kawahara, 2013) has generally focused on a single t-sandhi alternation within a corpus (e.g., from /t/ to /ɾ/), the results of these studies make it clear that it is always a combination of factors that play a role in each alternation. In this paper, I propose that examining the distribution of various types of t-sandhi clause-internally would provide a more complete look of where speakers preferred to use different forms of /t/ in their natural speech: tightly controlling an area of analysis would make this otherwise wide scope more manageable. This project uses two production experiments to examine the interaction between prosody and other conditioning factors on t-sandhi: established segmental contexts and findings from Production Planning studies were used to control the environment surrounding word-final /t/ and record the distribution of its pronunciation. The results of these studies show that the more marked forms of t-sandhi (in terms of production) favor prosodically defined environments not explored in previous studies: word external, clause-internal flapping exclusively preferred environments where the following word did not carry lexical stress on the first syllable; released-t’s were never produced in environments 2 where the /t/ was preceded by a vowel and followed by a consonant, and also displayed changes in production rates that were sensitive to prosodic correlates. Production planning variables also showed some expected results which show areas of interest for further t-sandhi and production experiments focused on the production planning hypothesis (Tanner et al. 2017, Kilbourne-Ceron et al. 2016).
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    Raising in Modern Standard Arabic
    (2022-08) Al-Janabi, Enas; Alboiu, Gabriela
    This study investigates a core subject in generative syntax which is Argument movement (A-movement) as is represented by the syntactic process of Raising in Modern Standard Arabic (MSA). Subject-to-subject raising, and subject-to-object raising have been extensively studied in English language and other languages, however, this is not the case for MSA. Although the topic of Raising has been getting more attention in the last few decades, relevant studies in MSA remain sparse. Moreover, there are conflicting views towards the availability of A-movement, and hence Raising, as well as an overall lack of comprehensive research.