Work in a Warming World (W3), 2010-2017

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The Work in a Warming World (W3) research programme, under Principal Investigator Carla Lipsig-Mummé, brought together more than fifty environmental and labour market organisations (especially labour unions), and resulted in research written by academics and practitioners. Researchers from 10 universities in four countries participated in three major grants clustered together under W3 between 2010 and 2017:

  • What do we know? What do we need to know? (A Knowledge Synthesis Project funded by NSERC, CIHR and SSHRC)
  • Work in a Warming World: Adapting Canadian work and employment to the challenge of climate change (A 5 year Community-University Research Alliance funded by SSHRC and partner organisations)
  • Canada’s Work World and the Challenge of Climate Change: Engaging the Community (Funded by SSHRC and partner organizations).

One of the highlights of the W3 programme was the 3-day International Conference: Labour, Climate Change, and Social Struggle (French version here) in December 2013. It included 90 presentations from researchers from around the world, although some from Asia and Africa were denied entry visas – evidencing the hostile political climate for our work during that period.

In addition to the working papers and presentations archived here, the following books by W3 researchers were published:


Recent Submissions

Now showing 1 - 20 of 53
  • ItemOpen Access
    Youth, Climate Change and Jobs Youth Institute: Curriculum Kit and Organizer’s Manual
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2012-02) Hall, Stefanie
    Youth, Climate Change and Jobs Institute was created for high school students to engage young Canadians in the issues surrounding climate change and work, and to invite them to participate in imagining then creating solutions for our future. The workshop was organized by Work in a Warming World (W3), a project affiliated with York University’s Institute for Research & Innovation in Sustainability (IRIS). Support for the workshop was provided by a Social Sciences and the Humanities Research Council public outreach grant. On Feb 4th and 5th 2012, thirteen high school students from the Greater Toronto Area attended the Climate Change, Youth, and Jobs Institute at York University. The two-day institute was conceptualized by York faculty members, Carla Lipsig-Mummé, the Director of W3, Dawn Bazely, who is affiliated through IRIS, and Steven Tufts from the department of Geography. The workshops were co-facilitated by Professors Bazely and Tufts as well as Matthew Carroll, a scientist and environmentalist with Lead Now. Stefanie Hall, the Institute Coordinator, is an MES student in the Faculty of Environmental studies. This resource has been designed in order to support individuals and groups who would like to implement an entire or section of the Youth, Climate Change, and Jobs Institute in their community. All of the materials are available to support organizers, facilitators and educators in the creation, adaptation and delivery of a workshop for youth related to climate change and work. The workshop outline, lesson plans, and academic and supplemental activity resources are based on the two-day Youth, Climate Change and Jobs Institute that was held at York University on February 4th and 5th, 2012. The purpose in providing the outline, resources, panellist biographies and budgets is to give future planners a holistic idea of what is involved in planning the institute in its entirety. Other materials such as the budgets and schedules are included to support the planning process. All supplemental materials, such as the brochures may be adapted to fit the needs, dates and locations of subsequent workshops.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Overcoming Systemic Barriers to ‘Greening’ the Construction Industry: The Important Role of Building Workers in Implementing Climate Objectives at the Workplace
    (Alternate Routes, 2014) Calvert, John
    There is a broad consensus among climate scientists and policy makers that reducing the GHG emissions and energy consumption of the built environment is critical to mitigating the impact of global warming. This means adopting policiesthat will dramatically accelerate the introduction of low carbon construction, both in new structures and in retrofitting the existing building stock. An important, but often overlooked, component of this process is how to ensure that climate objectives are properly implemented at the workplace by building trades workers. This paper argues that for this to happen, there must be major changes in how the industryis organized – changes that challenge the unregulated market with its pervasive reliance on labour sub-contracting and precarious employment and its negative impact on building standards. The industry must transform its inadequate training and apprenticeship system to give workers the additional skills needed for low carbon construction. It must reduce the loss of qualified workers and their skills, by providing greater job security and a long term career in the industry. And it must incorporate a greater role for the workforce - and the unions that represent it - in creating a ‘green’ construction culture at the workplace.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Circular Economies in Canada's Forest Sector
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011) Mabee, Warren
    The concept of circular economies suggests that optimal flow of goods and services can be represented as a loop. This can be manifest in a process when products are recovered after a period of use and transformed into new goods, and when the last product may be used as the basis for a new iteration of products. The concept is also present in regional geographies, where resources may flow from point to point for processing and use, and where the final leg of the process brings materials back to the starting point. A popular example of the circular economy is the carbon cycle, which sees old products serve as the basis for new growth and eventually new commercial activity. The forest economy has the potential to take the circular approach. This paper describes the current state of Canada's forest sector and identifies barriers to achieving a true circular approach. For example, Ontario is a region where massive disruptions to the existing economy have left the industry in crisis. Opportunities for reinventing the forest sector are discussed, as are the potential impacts on employment and economic returns from this approach.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Climate Change and Work
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011) MacDowell, Laurel; Galer, Dustin
    As part a comprehensive review of climate change literature, this paper examines the relationship between climate change and jobs. For 25 years, scientists have warned us of climate change and our need to create a sustainable society to mitigate and adapt to it. Though this process will be difficult, the Global Climate Network, an alliance of independent think tanks, estimates that the development and wide use of low-carbon technology will create millions of jobs globally. In Canada, the lack of political leadership on climate change has increased carbon emissions, stimulated an industry of climate denial, missed out on green jobs and clean energy investments. A proactive approach to climate change leads to job creation. Pending an effective political response, it is urgent and necessary to create a movement to “repair the planet” by involving trade unionists, environmental activists, academics, educators and journalists. To the extent that such action “from the bottom up” is effective, it will combat climate change and result in new jobs in a new, sustainable economy.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Does Gender Matter in the Political Economy of Work and Climate Justice?
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011) Cohen, Marjorie Griffin
    This paper focuses on gendered distinctions relating to climate change for both paid and unpaid labour issues in developed nations. It will build on the methods used to analyze labour/climate/gender issues in developing nations to focus on three main aspects. These are 1) the impact of women’s work on climate change; 2) the impact of climate change on women’s work; and 3) how different types of strategies to mitigate climate change have gendered implications.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Labour, Climate and Social Struggle: W3 International Conference 2013 web archive (WACZ)
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2022-02) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    Capture of the website. Capture from 2022-02-12. A Web Archive Collection Zipped (WACZ) file can be opened with website-emulation software, so that the entire website can be viewed and interacted with as though it originally appeared online. Try the Web Recorder browser extension, or go to and upload the file. More information: WACZ (Web Archive Collection Zip) package created with the Web Recorder browser extension for Chrome, from
  • ItemOpen Access
    Greening Hotels and Fair Labour Practices
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011) Tufts, Steven; Milne, Simon
    In recent years, a number of labour union strategic initiatives have been developed which seek to leverage consumer preference against employers in the accommodation services sector. These programs largely focus on rating and certifying hotels based upon environmentally and socially responsible behaviour and labour friendly practices. In part, the campaigns are a response to the perceived 'green-washing' of hotels through voluntary, self-reporting rating systems. This paper examines three union campaigns that recommend hotels according to social and environmental criteria: The Fair Hotels campaign (Ireland); the First Star program (Australia); and INMEX (United States and Canada). We find that limitations are related to the geographic scale of the campaigns and their inability to advocate for any significant shift toward a more socially and environmentally sustainable accommodation services sector.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Saving the Planet and Creating Jobs: W3 Atlantic Forum 2011 web archive (WACZ)
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2021-10) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    Capture of the website. Capture from 2021-10-04. A Web Archive Collection Zipped (WACZ) file can be opened with website-emulation software, so that the entire website can be viewed and interacted with as though it originally appeared online. Try the Web Recorder browser extension, or go to and upload the file. More information: WACZ (Web Archive Collection Zip) package created with the Web Recorder browser extension for Chrome, from
  • ItemOpen Access
    Travailler dans un monde en réchauffement: W3 Conférence internationale 2013
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2013-12-01) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    This conference document provides abstracts to describe the presentations from the International Conference of researchers of the Work in a Warming World (W3) project held November 29 - December 1, 2013, at University of Toronto, Woodsworth College. Keynotes, Plenaries, Sessions, Speakers and Abstracts. This document is also available in English, in this collection.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Labour, Climate and Social Struggle: W3 International Conference 2013
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2013-12-01) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    This conference document provides abstracts to describe the presentations from the International Conference of researchers of the Work in a Warming World (W3) project held November 29 - December 1, 2013, at University of Toronto, Woodsworth College. Keynotes, Plenaries, Sessions, Speakers and Abstracts. This document is also available in French, in this collection.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Work in a Warming World 2013 Workshop
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2013-01-26) McBride, Stephen; Shields, John; Tombari, Stephanie; McFarland, Joan; Brooks, Keith; Cohen, Marjorie Griffin; Mann, Tom; Mann, Charlotte; Aguiar, Luis; Kainer, Jan; MacDowell, Laurel; Hawley, Karen; Carey, Jeffrey; Tufts, Steven; Evans, Bryan; Wellstead, Adam; Birch, Kean; Wudrich, Dalton; Calvert, John; Robinson, Joanna; Work in a Warming World (W3)
    Conference papers from the annual Researchers Workshop, January 25 & 26 2013 held at the University of Toronto, Victoria College.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Climate Change, Construction and Labour in Europe: A Study of the Contribution of Building Workers and their Unions to 'Greening' the Built Environment in Germany, the United Kingdom and Denmark
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011) Calvert, John
    This study reviews the overall climate policy and legislative framework of the European Union (EU) and then examines what governments in Germany, the UK and Denmark have done to reduce energy consumption, cut greenhouse gas emissions (GHGs) and limit their reliance on fossil fuels. It then looks at the climate policies being implemented in the construction industry and the role the trade unions, in these countries, have played in efforts to address the challenge of climate change. Finally, it examines some of the specific initiatives the building trades unions have taken to further the transition to a ‘greener’ economy. The study concludes that the ability of unions to play a constructive environmental role is partly dependent on the broader policy framework established by governments and partly dependent on their influence within their own industry. Where union density is high and where unions are significant players in training and workforce development, they have had considerable success in shaping the environmental policies of the construction industry. Conversely where union representation is weak, where unions are marginal players in the overall labour relations system, they have not been able to exercise significant influence over how their industries have dealt with global warming. While the role of labour is only one factor in determining the effectiveness of climate policies in the construction sector, the presence - or absence - of union involvement does make a difference in the capacity of the three countries to implement the goal of promoting a ‘greener’ economy and society
  • ItemUnknown
    Food, Employment and Climate Change - Bibliography
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2013) Kainer, Jan; MacDowell, Laurel
    A bibliography focused on national and Ontario food production. It includes scholarly research as well as reports and items from the popular press.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Climate Change, Youth and Jobs Institute: What will your future look like? - Video
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2012-02-05) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    This video records a meeting on February 4th and 5th, when thirteen high school students from across the Greater Toronto Area came together at York University for the Climate Change, Youth, and Jobs Institute hosted by the Work in a Warming World (W3). Four half-day workshops were created and facilitated by York University Professors Steven Tufts and Dawn Bazely, and Matthew Carroll. The first workshop titled Climate Science 101 provided students with a foundation of the evidence of climate change and analyzed the main climate change denial arguments using media from a variety of sources and perspectives. Professor Dawn Bazely and Matt Carroll addressed common questions such as how do we know the climate is really changing and how does peer reviewed science proceed in a doubtful political climate? The second workshop titled Greening Workplaces began by introducing students to the concepts of the accumulation of wealth in the capitalist economic system. Professor Steven Tufts then led a discussion examining the term ‘green jobs’ and analyzed what it could look like to green all workplaces by facilitating a small-group exercise drawing on the work experience of the participants. The third workshop invited students to critically analyze a variety of perspectives on climate change including various levels of climate deniers and responders to the climate crisis. This workshop concluded with the students discussing and crafting a vision and declaration of specific concerns for Climate Change, Youth, and Jobs for the future (view the Young Green Workers Charter). The fourth and final workshop was a panel session including labour activist Winnie Ng, youth volunteer coordinator Hannah McKinnon, doctoral candidate James Nugent, and Greenpeace activist Steve Shallhorn on their views and experience working for progressive social and environmental change.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Work and Climate Change 2012 Workshop
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2012-09-21) Lipsig-Mummé, Carla; Teeple, Gary; Tufts, Steven; McBride, Stephen; Campbell, Charles; Aguiar, Luis; Mann, Geoff; Cohen, Marjorie Griffin; Calvert, John; Bickerton, Geoff; Work in a Warming World (W3)
    A brochure describing the agenda, abstracts, and speaker biographies for a workshop held at Simon Fraser University September 21 2012. How can institutions of work adapt more effectively, and contribute more fully, to the struggle to contain global warming? How will the institutions of work be required to change in the face of climate change? The Work and Climate Change Workshop highlights the overall objective and some of the initial research findings of the SSHRC-CURA, Work in a Warming World.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Greening Work In A Chilly Climate: W3 International Panel 2011 - Speaker Bios
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011-11-17) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    Speaker biographies from the International Panel Greening Work in a Chilly Climate: Canadian Challenges and International Perspectives, held at the Toronto Reference Library on November 17th 2011.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Young Green Workers Charter
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2012-02-05) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    The students who participated in the W3’s first Climate Change, Youth and Jobs Institute, from February 2012, have developed a working charter that identifies the steps necessary for achieving greener workplaces.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Greening Work In A Chilly Climate: W3 International Panel 2011 - Agenda
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011-11-17) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    Agenda from the International Panel Greening Work in a Chilly Climate: Canadian Challenges and International Perspectives, held at the Toronto Reference Library on November 17th 2011.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Saving the Planet and Creating Jobs: W3 Atlantic Forum 2011 - Poster (French)
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011-09-30) Work in a Warming World (W3)
    Poster from a two-day conference held at St Thomas University on September 29-30 2011.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Confronting Ecological Change: Would Would a Truly Intelligent Species Do?
    (Work in a Warming World (W3), 2011-09-30) Rees, William
    Conference presentation from the Work in a Warming World Atlantic Forum 2011.