Masters Theses

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  • ItemOpen Access
    A Close Look at the Hydrolytic Mechanism of OXA-58, a Class D β-Lactamase from Acinetobacter baumannii
    (2012-04-25) Amini, Kaveh
    OXA-58 enzyme from Acinetobacter baumannii is a carbepenm-hydrolyzing class-D β-lactamase which uses a carbamylated lysine to activate the nucleophilic serine used for β-lactam hydrolysis. The deacylating water molecule approaches the acylenzyme intermediate formed between the enzyme and the β-lactam from the α-face. According to our findings, OXA-58 uses the same catalytic machinery observed in class D β-lactamases such as OXA-10. Comparison of active site shape in OXA-58, OXA-24 and OXA-48 with the OXA-10 β-lactamase suggests that these carbapenem-hydrolyzing class D β-lactamases have gained the capability of hydrolyzing imipenem, an important carbapenem in clinical use, by slight structural changes in the active site. Also, investigation of the kinetics of β-lactam hydrolysis by Phen113A, Phen114A, Met225A, Phen113Tyr, Phen114l1e and Met225Thr shows that penicillin G is hydrolyzed better than amoxicillin and ampicillin which are hydrolyzed with comparable catalytic efficiencies. Carbenicillin was the poorest substrate.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Corporate law, pension law and the transformative potential of pension fund investment activism
    (2002-07) Kodar, Freya; Condon, Mary
    Pension funds, the funds held in trust to support occupational pension plans, represent significant funds of capital. Together with other institutional investors such as mutual funds and hedge funds they have become important actors in financial markets - nationally and internationally. They have significant holdings in national and transnational corporations. They are also deeply implicated in the financial instability of global financial markets, and free market globalization. In the past decade some members of the labour movement have sought to have more active involvement in pension fund investment decision-making. They have seen this involvement as a strategy for influencing corporate management and practice, and for encouraging productivity, local and regional development and long-term growth and sustainability. More radically, they have seen it as a means to create new conceptions of ''value" that include factors other than monetary return, and to transform capital by gaining greater social and democratic control over it. They have pursued strategies such as advocating for greater representation on pension plan boards of trustees or investment advisory committees, shareholder activism including proxy voting, investment screening and economically targeted or community investing. This thesis assesses these strategies within the Canadian context and looks at their transformative potential in light of pension law and corporate law principles and practice. It argues that the current strategies of pension fund activists, even if extended to other types of investors - individuals and institutional - are not likely to lead to more democratic and social systems of corporate regulation. It also suggests that pension fund activists have not fully explored the possibilities created by the fact that pension funds have many ''owners" and "beneficiaries" - legal or otherwise. Nor have their strategies adequately considered the suggestion that the uncertainties of corporate law make completing the separation of the corporation from the shareholder, and creating democratic and social systems of corporate regulation, a more appropriate and meaningful political project. In short, they have not challenged the limitations of pension law and corporate law with strategies that recognize the corporation and markets as social institutions that should be democratically and socially regulated. One avenue for doing this appears to be through utilizing the public pension system, particularly by expanding a funded public pension system, and democratizing the fund investment decision-making process.
  • ItemOpen Access
    French-Canadian newspapers and imperial defence 1809-1914
    (York University, 1967) Laxer, James
  • ItemOpen Access
    The stylistic diversity of the concert saxophone
    (York University, 2007-07) Rubinoff, Daniel I.
    This thesis examines the sonic parameters and musical versatility of the concert saxophone. Invented in 1840, the instrument failed to become a regular member of the symphony orchestra, and is thus underrepresented in classical music. This researcher argues that the saxophone's unique sonic design makes it an effective contemporary instrument in a wide variety of genres. Specifically, the techniques of subtone, harmonics, and false fingerings are examined from both a performance and compositional perspective. Additionally, the instrument's resemblance to the human voice is documented. An examination of five original saxophone compositions highlights the instrument's flexibility as a solo instrument or as a member of an ensemble. This work adds to the number of original compositions for the saxophone and explores the reasons behind the instrument's success in contemporary music.