Factors for Interactive Liquid Perception in Augmented Reality on Mobile Devices

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Fung, Brandon

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Augmented reality (AR) is one of the hottest things with Apple and Google trying to capture people\textquotesingle s interests and wonder. Given these new needs, there have not been much on what the best thing to do when creating these experiences. Thus in my work, I investigate the best way to bring believable virtual interactive liquids into the real world . Believability is what the user would feel is a more representative of a liquid in real life even when the liquid is virtual. Therefore, I examine three factors for virtual liquids, namely the dynamics and texturing of the liquid and the real world lighting. This works finds that motion models are the most important factor for humans to believe that the virtual fluid in AR is a liquid regardless of angles. This allow developers to focus on the motion models rather than any other factors when creating new experiences in AR.



Computer engineering
