A CasP Model of the Stock Market -- Video and Chartbook




Bichler, Shimshon
Nitzan, Jonathan

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Most explanations of stock market booms and busts are based on contrasting the underlying, ‘fundamental’ logic of the economy with the exogenous, non-economic factors that presumably distort it. Our paper offers a radically different model, examining the stock market not from the mechanical viewpoint of a distorted economy, but from the dialectical perspective of capitalized power. The model demonstrates that (1) the valuation of equities represents capitalized power; (2) capitalized power is dialectically intertwined with systemic fear; and (3) the connection between capitalized power and systemic fear is mediated by strategic sabotage. This triangular model, we posit, can offer a basis for examining the asymptotes, or limits, of capitalized power and the ways in which these asymptotes relate to the historical and ongoing transformation of the capitalist mode of power.

Video duration: 1:53 hours

WHERE: Room 280N in York Lanes, Keele Campus, York University WHEN: Thursday, September 29, 2016, 2:15-4:00 pm


capitalized power mismatch thesis strategic sabotage stock market systemic fear



A CasP Model of the Stock Market -- Video and Chartbook. Bichler, Shimshon and Nitzan, Jonathan. (2016). Plenary presentation at the "Capital as Power: Broadening the Vista" Conference, York University. 29 September. (Lecture / Presentation; English).
