Lives Outside the Lines: a Symposium in Honour of Marlene Kadar

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The International Auto/Biography Association – Chapter of the Americas Conference: May 15-17, 2017 – Lives Outside the Lines: a Symposium in Honour of Marlene Kadar. This conference was held at the Centre for Feminist Research, York University, Toronto. Convened by: Eva C. Karpinski, York U. and Ricia Anne Chansky, U. of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez. Conference Manager: Julia Pyryeskina.


Presentations related to Kadar's scholarship by Helen Buss, Jeanne Perreault, Elizabeth podnieks, Julie Rak, Sidonie Smith, Patrick D.M. Taylor, & Linda Warley, among others. Featuring presentations by leading global scholars on autobiography studies in the Americas, including: Black Atlantic Lives, Disability Studies, Embodiment, Feminist Theories, Graphic Lives, Illness Narratives, Lives on Screen, Masculinity Studies, Migration & Translation, Queer & Trans Lives, teaching Lives, Testimony & Witnessing, & Trauma Studies, & more. Also featuring the exhibition "outside the lines" at the Eleanor Winters Art Gallery, as well as poster presentations, digital presentations, & book exhibitions.


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This conference was made possible with support from a/b Auto/Biography Studies, a SSHRC Connection Grant and York University: Office of the Vice President Academic & Provost; Office of the Vice President Research and Innovation; the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies; the Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies Canada @ 150 Fund; the Faculty of Graduate Studies; the Graduate Program in Gender, Feminist and Women’s Studies; the School of Gender, Sexuality and Women’s Studies; the Department of Humanities, Critical Disability Studies, and the Centre for Feminist Research. Logo design © Martha Newbigging.