"Still Methodologically Becoming: Collaboration, Feminist Politics and 'Team Ismaili'"

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Hyndman, Jennifer
Houston, Serin D.
McLean, D. James
Jamal, Arif

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Taylor and Francis (Routledge)


This article mobilizes a feminist analytic to examine team research and collaborative knowledge production. We center our encounter with team research -- a collectivity we named 'Team Ismaili' -- and our study with first- and second-generation East African Shia Ismaili Muslim immigrants in Greater Vancouver, Canada. We draw upon feminist politics to highlight the ways in which 'Team Ismaili' at once destabilized and unwittingly reproduced normative academic power relations and lines of authority. A 'backstage tour' of 'Team Ismaili' shows the messiness and momentum of team research and sheds light on how collaborative knowledge production can challenge and reconfirm assumed hierarchies. Even as we are still methodologically becoming, through this discussion we strive to interrupt the prevailing silence on team research in human geography, to prompt more dialogue on collaboration and to foreground the insight garnered through feminist politics.



team research; power relations; knowledge production; feminist politics; Ismailis


Jennifer Hyndman, Serin D. Houston, D. James McLean and Arif Jamal, "Still Methodologically Becoming: Collaboration, Feminist Politics and 'Team Ismaili,'" Gender, Place and Culture 17.1 (2010): 61-79, 2010.