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  • ItemUnknown
    Language Policy and Education in Canada
    (Kluwer - Dordrecht, 2007) Burnaby, Barbara
  • ItemUnknown
    The World That Has Lost Itself
    (Literary Review of Canada, Dec-95) Harris, H. S.
    An essay on ‘cultural dispossession’ that examines the consequences of a society that is ignorant of its tradition and some proposed remedies.
  • ItemUnknown
    The Right Answer to Pontius Pilate
    (Coronado Press, Lawrence, Kansas, 1970) Harris, H. S.
    The basic position underlying the argument here stated is that rationality, the distinguishing characteristic of homo sapiens is a social product and that man could not be a rational animal if he were not already a social one.
  • ItemUnknown
    The Daughters of Memory
    (Rinascita della Scuola, 1988) Harris, H. S.
    An essay on the nature, function and guiding principles of undergraduate education in the liberal arts and sciences with particular reference to the nature of rational communication.
  • ItemUnknown
    The Logical Origin of the “Hegel Myth”
    (1996-04-12) Harris, H. S.
    A candid and spirited discussion of “To him who looks at the world rationally the world looks rationally back".
  • ItemUnknown
    The Institute for Philosophical Studies in Naples
    (Editioni Arti Grafiche Boccia s. r. l. Fuorni - Salerno, Dec-88) Harris, H. S.
    A review of the mission and activities of the Italian Institute of Philosophical Studies and the School of Advanced Studies in Naples.
  • ItemUnknown
    Would Hegel Be A 'Hegelian' Today?
    (1980-10-02) Harris, H. S.
    Discussion of whether it is possible to be a Hegelian today. Author replies in the affirmative and what it means to be a Hegelian today.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Gentlemen and Players
    (1991) Harris, H. S.
    Using terms from the game of cricket and Greek philosophy author sets out the ideals of human life.