l'Effet des Rayons Gamma Sur les Vieux-Garçons (1976)

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Tremblay, Michel

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Glendon College Creative Writing and Dramatic Arts Program


Archival file for the Glendon College production of Michel Tremblay's l'Effet des Rayons Gamma Sur les Vieux-Garçons, directed by John Van Burek. The play was originally performed on March 17, 1976 and again from November 17-19 of the same year.


1. Letter of Invitation, in French and English. 2. Unidentified Author. (1976, March 17). A truly provocative and moving piece. Pro Tem. 3. Fullbrook, Kevin. (1972, March 24). A credit to the dramatic arts programme. Pro Tem. 4. Niset, A. (1976, March 17). L'Effect des Rayons Gamma sur les Vieux-Garcons. Pro Tem. 5. Unidentified Author. (1976, March 24). l'Effets des rayons gamma sur les vieux-garçons une contribution au fait françophone. Pro Tem. [attached] 6. Beaupre, Christiane. (1976, September). l'Effet des rayons gamma sur les vieux garçons. Pro Tem. 7. Beaupre, Christiane. (1976, November 4). l'Effet des rayons gamma sur les viuex-garçons. Pro Tem. 8. Robitaille, Pierre & McIvor, Gordon. (1976, November 18). l'enfer a cinq. Pro Tem.

