After Paris Conference Toronto 2015 - video 1 - Welcome and Introduction by Rafael Gomez and Chair, Carla Lipsig Mummé




Gomez, Rafael
Lipsig-Mumme, Carla

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Adapting Canadian Work and Workplaces (ACW)


Welcome and introduction by Rafael Gomez, University of Toronto, and Carla Lipsig Mummé, York University, to Adapting Canadians Work and Workplaces. International Panel: After Paris: Politics, Climate Change and Labour. Toronto, 2015. Canada’s surprise election of a majority government promising to return Canada to the world struggle to slow global warming, puts the state front and centre for the first time in years. Elsewhere, the political terrain for slowing global warming is also changing rapidly. Legal activism in the Netherlands and Pakistan challenges states to live up to their responsibility to protect their population from the devastation of global warming. Labour-environmental alliances are linking environment and labour law, and crafting collective bargaining ways to reduce GHGs at work. Order of Presentations: Welcome, Rafael Gomez, University of Toronto, and Carla Lipsig-Mummé, York University The Urgenda Climate Case and It’s Consequences, Roger Cox, Urgenda State of Federal and Provincial Climate Policy: Prospects for Paris and Beyond, Bruce Campbell, CCPA Characteristics of green jobs related to renewable energy deployment, Warren Mabee, Queen’s University COP 21, Canada’s Climate Commitment & Decarbonization, Josephine Yam, Environmental Law Centre (Alberta) Going Green at Work, Sarah Pearce, UNISON Green Unions at Work, Gordon Laxer, Parkland Institute Labour and Climate Change, Larry Brown, NUPGE Question & Answer – International Panel Full playlist on Youtube:



Climate change, Canada, Pakistan, Netherlands, Greenhouse gases, Green jobs, Clean energy, Labour
