Mechanistic Insights into the Effects of Exercise on Inflammatory Responses

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Jafari, Ardavan

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Despite the importance of the inflammatory response in fighting infections, prolonged or unwanted inflammation is the root cause for serious human diseases including atherosclerosis and cancer. Therefore, understanding how inflammation is regulated is crucial for preventing these diseases. The objectives of this study include gaining an in-depth understanding of the molecular pathways and the regulatory elements of the inflammatory response that are altered following long-term exercise in mice. C57/Bl6 mice were randomly assigned into a control group and an exercise group. Various modes of exercise training programs were performed by the exercise group. BMDMs were isolated and were then stimulated with several inflammatory inducers. Our data from qPCR and Western Blotting demonstrate that NF-B mediated genes have been downregulated following moderate exercise and up-regulated following high intensity exercise. In addition, IRF3 mediated genes are differentially regulated following both modes of exercise. This indicates that moderate exercise reduces inflammation and high intensity exercise ug-regulates it, which might lead to improved immune responses to certain infections or faster resolving of inflammation in prolonged inflammatory conditions.



