The Healthy Staff Initiative Study: Examining Exercise, Health Coaching, and Mindfulness Meditation for University Employees: A Randomized Trial

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Persaud, Shalini Hamatee Moonsammy

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Objective: This study evaluated the effectiveness of workplace interventions for university employees aimed at increasing overall fitness. Investigators examined the benefits of a workplace walking program (WP), health coaching (HC) and a mindfulness meditation program (WPHC+MM) combined vs. a program where subjects solely received the workplace walking program and health coaching (WPHC). Methods: Sixty employees from the York University, Keele Campus volunteered for participation. They were randomly assigned to one of the two 24 week programs. The weekly workplace walking program and health coaching (WPHC) was provided to both groups for the first 12 weeks and MM participation was additionally facilitated for the comparison WPHC+MM group 3 times per week for the first 12 weeks. For the remaining 12 weeks, both groups received no further structural support in terms of walking schedule or HC sessions. Participants were assessed at baseline, 3 months and 6 months on fitness measures, psychological questionnaires, and heart rate variability. Results: The study sample included 93% women and 80% of participants were 40 years of age or older. At baseline the mean waist circumference (WC) was 88.0 cm, mean BMI was 26.74 kg/m2, mean weight was 71.9 kg and the mean pulse/blood pressure were 73 bpm and 122/76 mmHg respectively. Forty-seven participants were analyzed: n=22 in the WPHC+MM and n=25 for WPHC. Repeated measures ANOVA were conducted. A main effect of time analysis indicated: significant increases in VO2 peak: F(2,80)= 9.138, p=0.001, partial 2= 0.186; significant increases in Five Facet Mindfulness Questionnaire (FFMQ): F(2,90)=5.997, p=0.004, partial 2=0.118; a significant decrease over time on the perceived stress scale (PSS) (F(2,90)=3.857 units, p=0.033, partial 2=0.079) and a significant decrease over time in perceptions of overall job commitment: F(2,90)=6.158, p=0.004, partial 2=0.120. Conclusion: This study found that a workplace walking (WP), health coaching (HC) and a mindfulness meditation program (WPHC+MM) was not superior to solely walking and health coaching (WPHC) program. By study completion, employees overall, demonstrated improvements in their cardiovascular fitness/ aerobic endurance, in overall mindfulness, in perceived stress (decreases) and in perceptions of job over-commitment (decreases) when compared to the baseline assessments.



Mental health
