Department of Social Science

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  • ItemOpen Access
    Transnational non-state regulatory regimes
    (ANU Press, 2017-02-23) Tusikov, Natasha; Drahos, Peter
    First, the chapter introduces the concept of regimes to provide a way to understand this type of regulation and then describes how non-state actors interact with states. Then the chapter outlines why transnational non-state regulation emerges before turning to discuss how non-state actors draw on varying forms of authority to regulate. Third, the chapter explores the varying degrees of involvement states may have with transnational non-state regulatory regimes. The chapter then discusses the benefits and challenges of this type of regulation before providing a brief conclusion.
  • ItemOpen Access
    Solar Power and the Struggle for Electrification in Africa
    (2024-05) Ojong, Nathanael
    Off-grid solar technologies have emerged as one of the remedies to Africa’s severe lack of access to electricity. Evidence from Ghana, Malawi, Tanzania, and Kenya suggests that these systems positively affect income generation, education, health, and safety and security. Despite its potential, off-grid solar power’s technical limitations, combined with concerns about durability and environmental impact, underscore the need for more comprehensive solutions. Addressing Africa’s electrification crisis requires a multifaceted approach involving collaboration among various stakeholders to ensure sustainable, reliable, and inclusive energy access.
  • ItemOpen Access
    The First Modern Plague: Epidemic Encephalitis in America, 1919-39
    (College of Physicians of Philadelphia, 2002-12) Kroker, Kenton