"Emergence": A Piece for Wind Symphony Inspired by the Chant of the Rio Xinane, the Origins of Music, and the Geometry of Harmony




Pellerin, Clare Therese

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In June of 2014, the Rio Xinane (a formerly isolated tribe) emerged from the jungles of Peru onto Brazilian land to meet with Brazils National Indian Foundation (FUNAI). Their dramatic style of communication includes breaking into song with a reciting tone, as well as body slaps and stylized gestures, and points to the common origins of language, music, and dance in human communication. Summaries of Aniruddh Patels Music, Language, and the Brain and Dmitri Tymoczkos A Geometry of Music show how music, language, and movement are intertwined, and how harmony maximizes the spatial dimensions of sound. Matter in the Universe is composed of vibrations, so the vibrations of music can reflect and affect matter. Consequently, music has a pivotal role to play in education and in health. Inspired by this research, Emergence, a piece for wind symphony, is a response to the beauty of Rio Xinane communication, composed within the framework of traditional Western harmony.



Philosophy of education

