Changing Relations Among Cognitive Abilities Across Development: Implications for Measurement and Research

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Rizeq, Jala Ramzi George

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The constructs of intelligence and executive function are critical concepts of ability in neuropsychological research, cognitive research, developmental research, and clinical assessment. Yet, we have limited understanding of the changing age-related associations among these cognitive constructs. To better understand the development of these abilities, we compared a child sample and a young-adult sample on several measures of intelligence and executive functions. We used confirmatory factor analysis to estimate models for each developmental period. In addition, the association with ratings of inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity, a dispositional measure of cognitive and behavioural regulation, was examined. The results indicated that cognitive abilities are more dependent on age in children than in young adults and that these abilities are more highly associated with ratings of cognitive and behavioural regulation in children than in young adults. The results support the integral relationship between intelligence and executive function throughout development, but especially in children.



Developmental psychology
