Logging in strained, logging out sustained: the utility of online support groups for caregivers of individuals with advanced-stage cancer

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Male, Dana

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"The current investigation explored both the process and content of four separate online support groups run through CancerChatCanada, with a national sample of caregivers of individuals with advanced-stage cancers. A grounded theory analysis of the chat transcripts led to the generation of the core category, ""Logging In Strained, Logging Out Sustained"", which captures the essence of the group experience, and is characterized by the following main categories: (I) The Life of a Caregiver; (2) Group as Something to Look Forward to; and (3) Facilitator as Guarantor of Maximal Group Utility. Altogether, the findings that emerged from this study provide insight into the range and depth of the cancer caregiver experience, the meaning of online caregiver support groups to those who utilize them, and the various ways in which facilitators skillfully manage group sessions so to enhance their value. "


