Learning for Liberation: Critical Black Poetry Pedagogy And Transformative Education

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Dean, Melissa

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This portfolio examines and employs Black poetry as a powerful strategy for liberation; it is both a sustained discussion of the principles and practices behind the teaching of poetry for emancipatory education and Black liberation, and a toolkit for educators. It specifically addresses Black youth in Toronto. It contains four main offerings addressed to three different audiences:

  1. Learning for Liberation: Critical Black Poetry Pedagogy And Transformative Education, "If We Ruled the World": A critical essay which argues that improving the quality of life for marginalized bodies, means highlighting the importance of Arts Education and providing insight into how the black experience may be re-imagined through poetry.
  2. Poetry Saved My Life: Winning the Race! A Militant Black Poetry Teacher's Guide for Social Change: is a Popular Education Toolkit intended to aid first generation Black Canadian youth in the successful navigation of culturally-insensitive/hostile learning environments and racist workspaces.
  3. Re-Imagining the Black Experience Through Word-Sound-Power: is an audio recording on traumatic/racialized historical violence and memory; intended to disrupt the dominant discourse on race relations.
  4. Poetry Saved My Life! A Black PoeTree Experience (Series): A collection of short and long poems intended as social commentary on racial issues, within a North American context.




Major Portfolio, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
