Searching for a Musical Middle Way: A Composition for Multi-traditional Percussion




Chan, Heidi Wai-Yee

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This thesis aims to integrate the author's major fields of musical training through a suite of compositions that combines compositional and aesthetic elements of those traditions, namely, Japanese taiko drumming, Karnatic drumming, and the Chinese xiao (vertical bamboo flute). The suite is comprised of four compositions, each of which will be related and dedicated to one chapter from the Buddhist philosophical treatise, Treatise of the Middle Way (Mulamadhyamakakarika) by Nagarjuna, as a thematic link that connects the compositions. The Mulamadhyamakakarika is a seminal Buddhist work that sets forth a penetrating view on the Buddhist concept of emptiness, and the realization of its relation to the nature of phenomenal existence as the ultimate "Middle Way." The use of the Buddhist treatise is also a reference to the author's own philosophical and spiritual views that are often integrated into her performance experiences. The four compositions will also be connected through the use of the number five as a structural and compositional element in each piece. The primary aim of this thesis is to explore and consolidate the author's emerging musical voice through her experiences within these traditions. The integration of diverse musical and aesthetic ideas will be demonstrated through both the compositional aspects as well as through the recorded performance of these pieces by the author.



Music, Religion, Philosophy

