Mapping the Oedipus Complex in Nuruddin Farah's Blood in Sun Trilogy
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This thesis investigates the presence of the Oedipus Complex amongst transnational families Nurruddin Farah cultivates in his second trilogy. My analysis differentiates the complexs tension from its nuclear structure to examine how the interplay between love, hate, and envy are expressed as geopolitical contradictions during political stress. By methodologically employing psychoanalysis, I centre the social and cultural provisions of the superego and describe transnational subjectivities as developing in a third space marked by resistance and linguistic preservation. Through this, I contribute to postcolonial critiques of psychoanalysis by situating the subaltern as not an exception but as a historical case that politicizes and cultures Oedipalization. Finally, I consider Farahs novels as intergenerational accounts of Somali history that gifts the proceeding generation with unimagined possibilities about civilization and its fate.