By Another Name: The Use of Pseudonyms by Writers in Sweden from 1870 to 1890

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Entzenberg, Sonja

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York University


The change in the social structure from the middle of the 19th century made a new approach to society and people possible. A contributory factor in this regard was the development of daily newspapers and the founding of a new kind of publishing. The number of writers increased, particularly from the 1880s. An economic value arose around book production, bringing with it new terms for the author. The expansion of the press and the book market created more opportunities to be published in different genres, both in lighter and more serious contexts. Writing under a pseudonym or a pen-name was common among both female and male writers. This paper looks at the use of pseudonyms in Sweden in this context, with regard to the professional role of the writer. By using pseudonyms, it was possible to assume different positions as a writer. That, in turn, entailed a certain kind of freedom to create disparate types of texts.



Pseudonyms of Authors, Pseudonyms of Swedish Writers


Proceedings of the 23rd International Congress of Onomastic Sciences