Open Access photos of University Professor Dawn Bazely, recipient of the Royal Canadian Institute for Science's 2022 Fleming Medal for Excellence in Science Communication


Collection of open access images of University Professor Dawn Bazely spanning the 1960s to 2019. Bazely is the recipient of the 2022 Sandford Fleming Medal for Excellence in Science Communication awarded annually by the Royal Canadian Institute for Science since 1982. Bazely joined the Department of Biology as an Assistant Professor in March 1990. Image 1: Dawn Bazely has contributed her knowledge of arctic botany to Adventure Canada's team of experts travelling on ecotourism expedition cruises since 2016. Bazely has sailed the northwest passage from west to east, including being part of a Parks Canada test visit at the site of the HMS Erebus shipwreck in 2019. Image 2. Professors Dawn Bazely (Science) and Steve Alsop (Education) at Wapusk National Park Headquarters in Churchill MB in October 2019. Image 3. Dawn Bazely in 2018. Bazely was a visiting professor in the Environmental Studies Faculty of Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, India, marking her first time back in her country of birth since 1962. Her sabbatical activities included teaching graduate student workshops on open access and science communication. Image 4. Dawn Bazely and colleagues at the Nature Canada, Women for Nature Ball in Ottawa, 2016. Image 5. Headshot of Dawn Bazely in 2016. Image 6. Fieldwork in a Southwestern Ontario forest in 2008. Image 7. Fieldwork on the island of Hirta, St Kilda in Scotland,1991. Image 8. Dawn Bazely at La PĂ©rouse Bay, Hudson Bay in 1982. For more images from the long-term research see YorkSpace's Churchill Communities of Knowledge, and Image 9. Dawn Bazely with her mother (at left) and younger sister, Sue Bazely (at right) and a family friend on a visit to Tring Natural History Museum, UK, c.1964


Image 1: Dawn Bazely has contributed her knowledge of arctic botany to Adventure Canada's team of experts travelling on ecotourism expedition cruises since 2016. Bazely has sailed the northwest passage from west to east, including being part of a Parks Canada test visit at the site of the HMS Erebus shipwreck in 2019. The dive barge is shown here. Image 2. Professors Dawn Bazely (Science) and Steve Alsop (Education) at Wapusk National Park Headquarters in Churchill MB in October 2019. See the Churchill Communities of Knowledge Digital Archive in YorkSpace for more information. Image 3. Dawn Bazely in 2018. Bazely was a visiting professor in the Environmental Studies Faculty of Visva Bharati University, Santiniketan, India, marking her first time back in her country of birth since 1962. Image 4. Dawn Bazely and colleagues at the Nature Canada, Women for Nature Ball in Ottawa, 2016. Image 5. Headshot of Dawn Bazely in 2016. Image 6. Dawn Bazely holding garlic mustard during fieldwork in Southwestern Ontario in 2008. Image 7. Dawn Bazely doing fieldwork on the island of Hirta, St Kilda in Scotland, 1991. Image 8. Dawn Bazely taking a break from fieldwork to eat a sandwich at La PĂ©rouse Bay, Hudson Bay in 1982. For more images from the long-term research see YorkSpace's Churchill Communities of Knowledge, and Image 9. Dawn Bazely with her mother (at left) and younger sister, Sue Bazely (at right) and a family friend on a visit to Tring Natural History Museum, UK, c.1964.


science communication, ecotourism, field research, public science, women in STEM, ecology, Ontario, St Kilda, Wapusk National Park, arctic, subarctic, tundra, forest, Nunavut, Sandford Fleming Medal
