Materializing Performance: The Interactions that Enact Inclusions, Exclusions and Arrangements in Charity Social Performance Reports

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Ruff, Katherine Young

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The accounting concept materiality is theorized then elaborated in two empirical studies. Materiality is theorized as a performative enactment of entangled objects and idealities that in turn influences which objects and idealities come to matter. Theorized in this way, materiality is not understood as judgements of human preparers and auditors, but a material-discursive practice interacting with agentive objects (such as templates and information technologies) and idealities (including professional norms). Inscriptions in accounting systems and public-facing reports are the traces of these interactions, which collectively constitute a text that is itself an entanglement of matter and meaning, and that itself enacts an ongoing becoming of what matters. The theorization of materiality is elaborated in the context of charity reporting on social (mission-related) performance. Materiality in charity reporting is a pressing question in its own right, and a useful context in which to bring visibility to materiality concepts that are taken-for-given in financial accounting contexts. The first study elaborates how things come to matter, and not matter, examining social performance reporting in charity annual accounts from 1865 to 2014. It focuses on the interactions of templates, expertise and printing technology in the inclusions, exclusions and arrangements of performance information in charity annual reports. The second study interrogates the differences in materiality by comparing six reports, each based on the same performance measures from a real charity. It focuses on the interactions of templates and prior inscriptions in the differential materializations. A final essay develops policy recommendations in light of the new theorization of materiality by reconsidering the idea of the reasonable investor and elaborating the concept of the reasonable donor.




