Teachers’ voices on Fresh Moves: A New Zealand regional primary school dance festival 21 years old

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Cheesman, Sue

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An independent local regional initiative by the Bay of Plenty Dance organisation, created Fresh Moves Dance Festival that reached a twenty-year milestone in 2021. This research probes how has this festival supported teachers to engage with Dance in the New Zealand curriculum? The article specifically focuses on differing teachers’ voices - delving into the achievements and the struggles from their varying viewpoints to help chronicle their part in the festival’s journey through the years. It asks: The issues, challenges, and successes in participating in this festival over time from specific teachers’ contexts will be unpacked and reflected upon. Findings offer insights into: how the festival plays an important role in supporting dance education within their school communities; and how a local initiative within dance can productively engage a school community in a way, that celebrates the creative spirit and this form of embodied learning.



Dance, Community, Education, Primary students, Festival, Creativity
