The Effects of the Mobile Phone on Social Etiquette: A Study Pertaining to the Guyanese Baby Boom Generation
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This thesis explores the relationship between technology and society in North America through an ethnographic case-study study of six participants between the ages of 45 and 60, all of whom are of Guyanese ethnicity, and a number of whom are members of my own extended family network. My research took place between August 2014 and October 2014 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. My position in this ethnographic study was that of insider anthropologist. I was able to conduct a series of semi-structured interviews. My ethnography focuses on how mobile phones are affecting my interlocutors’ everyday human social interactions and the extent to which their mobile phone use is refashioning their social etiquette. The key themes identified are absence-presence, convenience, connection, tendency, anthropology of interaction, addiction, and family time. This study supports the interconnection between technology and society, as there is a clear need to be connected with others through the mobile phone.