Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization: Reimagining Approaches in Higher Education in an Era of Global Uncertainties


Proceedings of the inaugural Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization Virtual Conference Co-organized by York International and the UNESCO Chair in Reorienting Education Towards Sustainability in cooperation with strategic partners International Association of Universities (IAU), Canadian Commission for UNESCO (CCU) and Okayama University (Japan). Held from 20-22 January 2021, the conference focused on the evolving status of international mobility in higher education in Canada and globally, critically reflected on where we are now, and aimed to collectively build a future vision of international mobility that is inclusive, innovative and responsive to the global sustainability challenges of our times.




Balderama et al. (2021). Sustainable and Inclusive Internationalization: Reimagining Approaches in Higher Education in an Era of Global Uncertainties. York University