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Truth in Movement: An Exploration of Code-Switching in Physical Dialects

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Richardson, Alicia Dionne

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This paper will discuss my process towards finding authenticity in movement as it pertains to my performance of ‘The Man’ and ‘The Venus’ Chorus’ in Suzan-Lori Parks’ Venus. My research details how increased body awareness via internal signals from the muscles and a deeper connection to primary impulses help to address my artistic challenge. My task is to use physicality in performance as a means to express the character’s needs and as a response to stimuli from scene partners. I will create unique physical personas for both my roles in Venus, and I will customize a preparation routine to be completed before rehearsals and performances of the play using the following methods: Authentic Movement, The Batdorf Technique, and Richard Pochinko clowning.



Theater, Kinesiology, Sociology
