Between Us

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Scott-Grimes, Cailleah Wyn

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Between Us is a short film set in rural Japan about the strains and intimacies between a local transgender man and his queer Canadian partner in an unexpected encounter at the local hot springs. The story, while fictional, draws on my Masters thesis research and is inspired by the lived experiences of locals and immigrants in Japan with whom I have sustained close relationships for the past ten years. It was important to me that the films production model also be rooted in creative international collaboration. From film professionals to office workers, students and seniors, to trans folks and allies, our cast and crew of 8 different nationalities came together to make this film possible.

We do not always have the vocabulary adequate to explore the spaces and experiences that exist between different cultures, genders or generations. Between Us invites audiences to engage with ways of being that cannot be placed on either side of a divide. The purpose of this support paper is to contextualize the film and to engage in a critical reflection on its content, form, and the creative process behind it.



Gender studies

