Speech Emotion Recognition in Conversations Using Graph Convolutional Networks

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Chandola, Deeksha

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Speech emotion recognition (SER) is the task of automatically recognizing emotions expressed in spoken language. Current approaches focus on analyzing isolated speech segments to identify a speaker’s emotional state. That being said, models based on text-based emotion recognition methods are considering conversational context and are moving towards emotion recognition in conversation (ERC). With the availability of multimodal datasets, ERC can be extended to non-text modalities as well. Building on these advances, in this thesis, we propose SERC-GCN, a method for speech emotion recognition in conversation (SERC) that predicts a speaker’s emotional state by incorporating conversational context, specifically speaker interactions, and temporal dependencies between utterances. SERC-GCN is a two-stage method. In the first stage, emotional features of utterance-level speech signals are extracted using a graph-based neural network. Here each individual speech utterance is transformed into a cyclic graph. These graphs are then processed by a two layered GCN architecture followed by a pooling layer to extract utterance-specific emotional features. In the second stage, these features are used to form conversation graphs that are used to train a graph convolutional network to perform SERC. We empirically evaluate the effectiveness of SERC-GCN on two benchmark dataset; IEMOCAP and MELD. Results show that SERC-GCN outperforms existing baseline approaches on these datasets.



Computer science, Computer engineering, Psychology
