Poverty and the Imagination of a Future: The Story of Urban Slums in Delhi, India

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Das, Veena

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How do the poor see themselves? In their daily struggles, how do they use creative imaginings to withstand various stresses and their seemingly never- ending effort at subsistence? In this paper, Veena Das explores the many revealed ways the poor exercise creativity, boldness and enterprise in their attempts to cope and transcend, even for brief moments, daunting states of deprivation and the destitute roles that both experts and society seemed to have consigned them to. In this lecture, delivered as part of York University’s 50th anniversary celebration, Dr. Das shares with her audience insights from her ongoing multi-year research on the residents of New Delhi slums including the not often assumed ability of the poor to think, feel and act in ways that are all-too-human – both spontaneous and rational. Equally insightful responses are provided by Vanessa Rosa and Mark Ayyash, PhD Candidates in the Graduate Program in Sociology at York University.



Anthropology, Poverty, Cultural studies, Creative expression, South Asian studies


Das, Veena (2012). “Poverty and the Imagina􀆟 on of a Future: The Story of Urban Slums in Delhi, India.” Asia Colloquia Papers 1 (4). (Toronto: York Centre for Asian Research). Available at: www.yorku.ca/ycar.