Exploring the Life and Work of Gladys Forrester: A Canadian Dance Educator, 1936 - 1998




Steel, Pamela Rae

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The current body of literature regarding dance history in Canada is informative and expanding, focusing predominantly on professional schools, dancers, choreographers and companies. There is much yet to be said, however, regarding individual dance educators, their instructional practices and influence on the subject of Canadian dance evolution and culture. This research investigates one mid-twentieth century, Toronto dance teacher, Gladys Forrester, expanding the body of knowledge specific to her career and contributions within the context of Toronto (and Canadian) dance history. Through archival and oral language research methodology Gladys Forresters professional dance and teaching praxis comes to light. This study describes issues and lays bare existing specific phenomena in order to gain greater insight into historical events (Sagor 156). The goal to understand Gladys Forresters dance practice and pedagogical philosophy enables an exploration of the Toronto dance culture of her time, clarifying her legacy and influence on todays dance community. In addition, research aims to represent the human experience of the subject in such a way that readers or viewers are drawn into the interpretive process of making meaning based on their own reading and reality (Cole and Knowles 11). The exploration of materials provides insight into the life and work of a forgotten voice and presence in history. Approximately 30 interviews designed to identify Forresters particular profile and contribution reveal information categorized within the frames of: the Christian Science religion and the psychology of flow, and teaching pedagogy and philosophy. Results of the information analysis provide a variety of findings that survey Forresters unique approach, the quality of her teaching and her role in the dance community.




