Modelling HPV Vaccination and Screening Strategies to Optimize Treatment

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Milwid, Rachael Michal

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HPV is a common sexually transmitted infection found worldwide which can lead to serious health effects. While HPV has a high regression rate, if it does progress, it can cause various cancers (i.e. cervical, penile, throat). It is possible to minimize the mal-effects of HPV with tools such as screening, vaccination and treatment. Three sets of compartmental models were developed to study various aspects of HPV infection and progression. The first set of models studies which parameters are relevant in screening and vaccination programs and compares four different programs: a no intervention program, a screening only intervention program, a vaccination only program, and a screening and vaccination program. The second set of models compares various screening programs, including a co-screening program. The purpose of this set of models is to complete a cost analysis on the models, as well as to compare them epidemiologically. The third set of models studies the phenomenon of infection and re-infection with HPV. This chapter includes both single HPV type models and multi-type HPV models. All three sets of models lead to the same conclusions that HPV screening is essential in the minimization of HPV and cervical cancer. Furthermore, both screening and vaccination are essential in lowering the basic reproduction number.



Mathematics, Health care management
