Understanding Freight Fluidity in Peel Region with Emphasis on Arterial Roads

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Jain, Prateek

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This thesis examines the concept of freight fluidity and seeks to analyze the correlation between truck collisions and freight fluidity measures in the Region of Peel.

The study employed a multidisciplinary approach, incorporating data processing, visualization, and correlation techniques. The research involved developing a dashboard that depicts freight fluidity measures and truck collisions. A descriptive data analysis was conducted to identify trends related to freight fluidity measures and collisions. The maximum congestion for trucks was observed in the afternoon period. Brampton showed the highest level of congestion and collisions among all the municipalities.

By statistically analyzing the correlation between freight fluidity measures and truck collisions, the study provided insights into how freight fluidity can lead to safer and efficient freight transportation. A statistically significant correlation was observed between collisions and freight fluidity measures. The findings of this thesis will provide valuable insights for transportation planners in the Region of Peel.



Civil engineering, Transportation planning
