Disruptive Body

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Hois, Catherine Aliki

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This support paper describes the development of my exhibition, Disruptive Body, based on my personal experiences with an eating disorder and my studio research. In my paper, I aim to engage a conversation about the dangers of normalizing body management by creating an immersive, confrontational environment for the viewer. I highlight a reflection as the root of my process, as I began reading through my collection of journal entries that record my experience recovering from an eating disorder. I discuss the inspiration behind Pageant of the Vulnerable, beginning with research into art therapy, eating disorders, and artist Yayoi Kusama. Kusama is an important reference for my large-scale sculptures, because of her approach to expressing her own fears and obsessions by surrounding herself with forms that represent the source of her trauma.

 I discuss my need to confront my past and present struggles with body dysmorphia, and my decision to create large-scale sculptures that are inspired by different parts of my body. It is important to me that the viewer is immersed into the environment I create, and I explain how I achieve this through researching aspects of the home, memories, and familiar materials. Disruptive Body is an objection to the obligation of unhealthy body standards in society, and an expression of healing my own relationship with my body.



Mental health

