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The Bichler & Nitzan Archives contain works by Shimshon Bichler and Jonathan Nitzan, as well as related publications by others. Most works in the archives deal with the theory of Capital as Power, or CasP for short. CasP offers a radical alternative to mainstream and Marxist theories of value and capitalism. It argues that capital symbolizes and quantifies not utility or labour, but organized power, and that capitalism is best understood and challenged not as a mode of production and consumption, but as a mode of power.
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Item Open Access El Capitalismo Contemporáneo y la Ontología de las Finanzas(2022) Suaste Cherizola, JesúsRESUMEN. Esta tesis es un esfuerzo por desentrañar el papel que juega el campo financiero dentro del proceso de acumulación de capital y la manera en que condiciona el desarrollo de la lucha entre las clases sociales por la distribución de la riqueza y el control político de la comunidad. El punto de partida es la pregunta por la validez de ciertas distinciones fundamentales de la economía política: ¿cabe sostener la distinción entre una economía real y una financiera, entre el valor y el precio, entre la esfera productiva y la esfera de las especulaciones bursátiles? ¿Se sostiene la distinción entre un capitalismo industrial y uno financiero, o entre un capital financiero y uno productivo? ABSTRACT. This thesis aims to unravel the role played by the financial field within the process of capital accumulation and the way in which it conditions the development of the struggle between social classes for the distribution of wealth and political control of the community. The starting point is the question of the validity of certain fundamental distinctions in political economy: are the distinctions between a real and a financial economy, between value and price, between the productive sphere and the sphere of stock market speculations useful? Does the distinction between an industrial and a financial capitalism, or between a financial and a productive capital, hold? *** Except where otherwise noted, this item's license is described as ***Item Open Access From Commodity to Asset: The Truth Behind Rising House Prices(2024) Fix, BlairWhen it comes to rising house prices, nearly everyone has a theory about the cause. There’s ‘too much foreign money’. There are ‘too many immigrants’. There’s ‘too little construction’. And so on. What unites these explanations is that they appeal, in some way, to the idea that rising prices are caused by a mismatch between supply and demand. And surely that’s true, right? Yes, it is true … in the same way that death is caused by dying. But of course, that’s circular logic. And so it goes with ‘supply and demand’. Since prices are always caused by the interplay between what we want and what we can get, evoking ‘supply and demand’ leads us pretty much nowhere. Worse, it often puts the focus on short-term patterns, when the real scientific payoff lies in studying price trends over the long term. Speaking of the long term, many people assume that rising house prices are a recent problem. But in the United States, the pattern dates to the early 1970s. For almost a century before that, US house prices had been dropping against income. And so Americans treated their house like a ‘commodity’ — a thing they bought to live in. But from 1972 onward, house prices began to slowly appreciate against income. And so Americans started to treat their house like an ‘asset’. It’s this transformation — from commodity-like depreciation to asset-like appreciation — that is the real story of house prices. And the truth is that this story can’t be understood using popular scapegoats. To see why US house prices headed south and then north, we need to forget about supply and demand and instead, peer into the belly of industrialism. We need to ground house prices in the use of energy. Now, if going from prices to energy sounds like a non sequitur, I’ll show you why it makes sense. And I’ll show you how, when we bring debt into the energy fold, we can explain almost all of the historical variation in US house prices. The lesson here is simple yet disturbing. When it comes to rising house prices, the trend has less to do with a ‘supply crisis’, and more to do with basic physical limits to industrial supply chains.Item Open Access 상품에서 자산으로: 권력으로서의 자본과 금융의 존재론 (From Commodities to Assets: Capital as Power and the Ontology of Finance)(2023) Suaste Cherizola, Jesús자산은 자본가 계급의 실천 및 사고방식을 형성하는 데 결정적인 개념이다. 하지만 자본 주의에 관한 비판적 분석은 상품교환을 자본주의 분석의 초석이라 승인하는 경향이 있다. 이 논문은 다른 접근법을 취한다. 나는 자산이 자본주의에 대한 과학적 연구를 위한 견고한 출발점을 제공한다고 주장한다. 자산에 대한 분석은 경제적 거래에 대한 일반적 서술을 정 교화할 수 있도록 해주고, 그런 한에서, 자산 분석은 금융 분야를 재개념화하기 위한 기틀 을 마련해줄 수 있다. 이 두 가지 쟁점은 밀접히 연관된다. ‘자산이란 무엇인가’라는 질 문에 대한 답은 ‘금융이란 무엇인가’라는 질문을 해결할 수 있는 좌표를 제공해줄 것이 다. 저자 제수스 수아스테 체리졸라(JesÚs Suaste Cherizola)는 멕시코 푸에블라 오토노마 대학교(Universidad Autónoma de Puebla)에서 박사학위를 받았고, 권력자본 이론을 전공하는 사회학자이다. 저자는 이 논문을 통해 경제학과 사회과학에 새로운 아이디어를 제공한 기여로 2021 CASP Essay Prize를 수상했다. 따라서 제도주의 경제학 현장에서 이 논문이 지니는 학술적 가치가 높은 평가를 받았다고 볼 수 있다. In this paper, the author analyzes the concept of 'assets', a crucial concept in the practice and mindset of today's capitalist class. In particular, it emphasizes the emerging importance of assets in financialized capitalism by contrasting them with the concept of commodities, which have enjoyed an important place in the analysis of conventional capitalism. Recently, in the critical academia of finance and money in the West, especially in the sociology of finance, the concepts of capitalization and assetization are emerging as a powerful analytical framework that reveals the characteristics of modern capitalism by replacing the existing commercialization and financialization. The paper provides a clear explanation of the concept of asset, capitalization, and capitalization from the perspective of power capital theory. In addition, by emphasizing the difference between commodity exchange and asset trading, which has been presented centering on the existing Marxism, it explains well why the asset type and the process of assetization can be an important analytical framework for studying today's financial capitalism. Therefore, this paper in domestic academia, it can provide impetus to advance the discussion of financialization in terms of capitalization and assetization, and it can also serve as a useful reference point for understanding recent academic discussions on the changes and core of modern capitalism. Author Jesús Suaste Cherizola is a sociologist who received her Ph.D. from Universidad Autónoma de Puebla, Mexico, and specializes in power capital theory. The author won the 2021 CASP Essay Prize for his contributions to new ideas in economics and social sciences with this paper. Therefore, it can be said that the academic value of this thesis has been highly evaluated in the field of institutional economics.