Helen Carswell Chair in Community Engaged Research in the Arts
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The Helen Carswell research team provides professional development workshops and seminars
on the following topics in community-engaged research in the arts:
Content / Programming
· Group Piano Programming
· Intergenerational Pan Programming
· Steelpan Programming
· Music Technology Programming
· Investigating Alternatives to RCM Piano Syllabus
· Positive Youth Development
· Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
· Engaging tweens in music summer camps
Equity and Diversity
· Serving Racialized Communities
· Pan-African Repertoires
. Repertoires and Representation
Community Contexts
· Environmental Scanning
· Asset mapping in Jane and Finch
· Data Mapping of Music Making
The Helen Carswell Research Team
Read about our research team.The Helen Carswell research team provides professional development workshops and seminars
on the following topics in community-engaged research in the arts:
Content / Programming
· Group Piano Programming
· Intergenerational Pan Programming
· Steelpan Programming
· Music Technology Programming
· Investigating Alternatives to RCM Piano Syllabus
· Positive Youth Development
· Trauma-Informed Pedagogy
· Engaging tweens in music summer camps
Equity and Diversity
· Serving Racialized Communities
· Pan-African Repertoires
. Repertoires and Representation
Community Contexts
· Environmental Scanning
· Asset mapping in Jane and Finch
· Data Mapping of Music Making
APRIL 2021
April 19, 2021

April 1
2021 Carswell Call for Proposals: The Helen Carswell Chair in Community-Engaged Research in the Arts welcomes the submission of research proposals that can inform the practice, programming, or curricula of a community music school.
This call for proposals is open to York graduate students and faculty in any department/field.
We can support community arts projects with financial funding up to $20,000.
Get more information about the call for proposal and download it here.
The deadline for submissions is July 1st, 2021.
MARCH 2021
March 10, 2021
Click here to watch the webinar below

Dec. 2, 2020
The Helen Carswell research associate, Karen Cyrus, gave a presentation on "Pan-African repertoires" to a working group on GTA anti-racism in music classrooms.
August 24, 2020
The results from the adjudication of the 2020 call for proposals was announced; awards were granted to three proposals. Congratulations to Honor Ford-Smith, Ph.D., York faculty, FES; Munjeera Jefford, Ph.D. student, Social and Political Thought, LAPS; and Kathe Grey, Ph.D. student, Theatre. Welcome to the Helen Carswell Research Team!
JULY 2020
July 1, 2020
AMPD and the Helen Carswell research team are pleased to welcome our new Helen Carswell Chair, Amy Hillis.
July 7, 2020
The Helen Carswell research associate, Karen Cyrus, gave a presentation on "Community Music School Structures" to a delegation from Northern Caribbean University.
JUNE 2020
June 30 marked the end of Karen Burke’s tenure as the Helen Carswell Chair.
We would like to thank Prof. Burke for her dedication to the Helen Carswell Chair over the past three years. Thanks to her compassionate and excellent leadership, this partnership with RPSM has made an indelible mark in the Jane and Finch community, at York University, and in the field of community-engaged research in the arts.
MARCH 2020
March 16, 2020
Message from Karen Burke:
"Thank you so much for your interest in the exciting ongoing research through the unique partnership between the Carswell Family Fund, York University and RPSM. We are currently in the midst of a new CFP season with the deadline of March 16. While we are thankful to those who have already submitted, we recognize that the extraordinary and unprecedented circumstances affecting the world at this time present a variety of disruptions including academic, work, travel and societal that may affect timely submissions. With this in mind and with the information that we have today, we will extend the deadline to March 31. Thank you for your patience and understanding."
February 28, 2020
The deadline for the call for proposals was extended to March 16, 2020
January 23, 2020
2020 Carswell Call for Proposals: The Helen Carswell Chair is pleased to welcome the submission of research proposals that can inform the practice, programming, or curricula of RPSM - Jane and Finch. All faculty and graduate students of AMPD, Health, Engineering, Environmental Studies, Education, Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, Law, Business, and Science may apply.The call for proposals may be accessed below.
January 6, 2020
Administrators from RPSM - Jane and Finch are now located at York University.
The administrator for the RPSM-Jane and Finch programs now has an office (ACE rm 360) in the Music Department. Contact Vanessa Chase, the RPSM-Jane and Finch site coordinator, at (437) 779-0504 / jf@rpmusic.org, or call RPSM's main office at 416-364-8900 for more information. Their York U. office hours are Monday to Thursday from 9 am to 5 pm. Kindly call in advance for appointments.
On December 5, members of Uzo Anucha’s research team from YouthREX presented a webinar titled "Striking A Chord: The Power of Music Programs for Young People." Our research chair, Karen Burke, along with RPSM staff and a former student from RPSM, spoke about the impact of RPSM's music programs. This webinar also included presenters from other community music programs who gave rich accounts of the impact of their programs. There is much to learn about the impact of community music program by watching this webinar; it may be accessed here.
On November 8, members of the Carswell Research Team presented and discussed a poster on Pan-African music repertoire at the Ontario Music Educator's Association (OMEA) Opus 100 conference. The abstract for the poster and other related resources may be accessed in the collection below.
Members of the Helen Carswell Research Team facilitated sessions at RPSM's professional development workshops. They provided valuable information to help RPSM teachers improve their teaching practice. Below are descriptions of the workshops:
September 3, 2019
Title: Trauma Informed Practice
Facilitator: Cathy Pavlik, Ph.D. candidate
AMPD, Department of Music
Cathy discussed how to identify signs and symptoms of trauma in children at different development stages.
September 5, 2019
Title: Positive Youth Development
Facilitators: Tanika McLeod and colleagues of YouthREX (Principal Investigator: Uzo Anucha, Ph.D.)
Faculty of Liberal Arts & Professional Studies, School of Social Work
Members of Uzo’s research team from YouthREX presented a 2-hour workshop on critical youth engagement. They explored the benefits and barriers to equitable youth engagement, tools to assess and support youth-adult partnerships, as well as "practice-able" ways to facilitate equitable space for authentic youth engagement.
September 6, 2019
Title: Multilevel group-piano classes: management, methods, and materials.
Facilitator: Karen Headlam Cyrus, Ph.D., LRSM, OCT
AMPD, Helen Carswell Research Associate
Karen discussed tools and strategies to navigate three challenges of teaching multilevel piano classes.
September 19, 2019
Members of the Carswell Research Team and RPSM met with members of Research Impact Canada at Daniel Spectrum in Regent Park, Toronto. They discussed and answered questions on the Helen Carswell research team experience.
Members of the Carswell research team presented a workshop at York University's Faculty of Education Summer Institute (FESI) on August 22, 2019 at 12:30 pm. The title of the workshop was “Equity through community music programming: barriers and bridges to resources and representation.” The abstract for the workshop and handouts may be accessed in the collection below.