Racism in Toronto Schools

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Krishnan, Jameela

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The racism encountered by racialized youth within school systems has a negative impact on their educational experiences. This phenomenon is particularly salient for youth from Regent Park who also navigate many different forms of marginalization that already create barriers to education such as stigma/labels of being from Regent Park, poverty, and religious/cultural background. Racism impacts racialized youth’s educational success, their identity and at times pushes them out of the system in large numbers. It further amplifies the marginalization experienced due to poverty, religion, age, and gender. Here, these experiences are analyzed through the lens of Critical Race Theory, which puts race at the center of understanding structures, policies and practices within systems such as the Education. This research project worked to bring forward the experiences and impact of racism in schools through the narrative of racialized youth from Regent Park. Six youth from Regent Park engaged in a Participatory Visual Methodology, to create a cellphilm documenting their experiences/impact of racism in Toronto schools. The cellphilm became a medium through which narratives of the experiences of racism within Toronto schools and the impact it has on these six youths was documented and validated.



Education and Race, Marginalization and Youth


Major Paper, Master of Environmental Studies, Faculty of Environmental Studies, York University
