Extradisciplinary Approaches to Security: A Selected Bibliography

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Arnold, Samantha
Beier, Marshall

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What follows is not intended as a comprehensive pointer to extradisciplinary writings having a direct bearing on the subject matter(s) and core conceptual concerns of Security Studies. Rather it is meant to provide something of the flavour of the varied approaches to security developed beyond the pale of its dedicated discipline. Accordingly, there is certainly much more of relevance to be found in each of the disciplines surveyed, to say nothing of those which are not explored herein. Drawn solely from explicit references to “security” in the subject indices of a number of disciplinary abstracts spanning the period 1985-1998, this compilation has been confined to articles published in English-language scholarly journals. Some will be familiar to scholars working in Security Studies; many will not. Though we do not wish to impute disciplinary affiliations to particular authors (to say nothing of journals) and are equally reluctant to reify often-arbitrary disciplinary boundaries, the bibliography is organized under the disciplinary headings of Anthropology, Development Studies, Human Geography, Sociology, Urban Studies, and Women’s Studies. These affiliations are based on the enumeration of individual works in the comprehensive abstracts of these disciplines, and are in no way intended to suggest their exclusivity to any particular academic realm. Rather, the point is to underscore the highly problematic nature of precisely these designations inasmuch as they have the effect of foreclosing engagement between scholars working in areas of obvious mutual relevance.



security studies, ghettoization, anthropology, development studies, human geography, sociology, urban studies, women's studies

