Statistics for YorkSpace

Total visits

A Field Note Describing the Development and Dissemination of Clear Language Research Summaries for University-Based Knowledge Mobilization 32445
FRBR and the History of Cataloging 13402
The State of Homelessness in Canada 2014 10789
Auto-Theory as an Emerging Mode of Feminist Practice Across Media 9206
Documenting Femininity: Body-Positivity and Female Empowerment on Instagram 8643
Newsletter 7592
Sometimes I'll start a sentence in Spanish y termino en español: toward a typology of code-switching 6685
"Sociological Theories of International Migration: The Case of Refugees" 6641
The State of Homelessness in Canada 2014 6060
Place Names in the Construction of Social Identities: The Uses of Names of Helsinki 6023