Lauder, Adam2013-01-172013-01-172011Art Documentation Volume 30, Number 2 (2011): 14-22Art Documentation Volume 30, Number 2 (2011): 14-220730-7187 IAINBAXTER&raisonnE creatively repurposes the conventions of print catalogues raisonnés to support the development of an experimental scholarly communications platform and collaborative e-research zone. The IB&raisonnE responds to a growing literature on digital humanities that addresses the unique requirements of humanities scholars in an e-research environment. The open-ended and critical approach to the catalog and collection adopted by the IB&raisonnE is inspired, in part, by examples of premodern catalogs by Pierre-Jean Mariette (1694–1774) and Edme-François Gersaint (1694–1750). This paper describes some of the applications to which eighteenth-century compilation practices have been adapted and put to new use by IB&raisonnE developers.“Liberty of the Compiler”: Catalogue Raisonné as Metaphor for Collaborative Design