Sundmark, Björn2013-11-052013-11-052013Björn Sundmark. ““Dear Selma” - “Dear Velma”: Selma Lagerlöf’s Translation Instructions to Velma Swanston Howard.” In Authorial and Editorial Voices in Translation 1 - Collaborative Relationships between Authors, Translators, and Performers. Eds. Hanne Jansen and Anna Wegener. Montréal: Éditions québécoises de l’œuvre, collection Vita Traductiva, 2013.978-2-9801702-6-31927-7806; v.2 Selma Lagerlöf's position as one of Sweden's few internationally acclaimed authors, the translation and publication of Selma Lagerlöf's work into English has for long remained a relatively unexplored field of research. In this paper I seek to redress this situation somewhat by examining the correspondence between Selma Lagerlöf and her American translator Velma Swanston Howard (1868-1937). The aim of this paper is to highlight Lagerlöf's critical feedback and advisory translation instructions to Howard.Bien que Selma Lagerlöf compte parmi les rares auteurs suédois reconnus sur le plan international, la traduction et la publication de ses oeuvres en anglais sont restées un domaine de recherche relativement peu exploré. Cet article cherche à redresser partiellement cette situation en examinant la correspondance entre Selma Lagerlöf et sa traductrice américaine Velma Swanston Howard (1868-1937). L’objectif est de mettre en lumière les commentaires critiques ainsi que les conseils de traduction dont Lagerlöf a fait part à Howard.enThe publisher should be contacted for permission to re-use or reprint the material in any form.Selma LagerlöfVelma Swanston Howardretranslation hypothesishistorico-biographical methodhypothèse de retraductionméthode historico-biographique“Dear Selma” - “Dear Velma”: Selma Lagerlöf’s Translation Instructions to Velma Swanston HowardBook Chapter