Vorstermans, Jessica2022-02-172022-02-172021-10-22Vorstermans, Jessica (2021). HLST 1011 Keynote Speaker Dr Naheed Dosani interviewed by Azeezah Jafry. Youtube. https://youtu.be/27K5f6Iv9Q0http://hdl.handle.net/10315/38993Interview with Dr. Naheed Dosani on his work as a palliative care physical working with street involved folks. Dr. Dosani is a health equity and justice advocate. He is interviewed by Azeezah Jafry.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Internationalhealth on the front lines, social determinants of health,HLST 1011 Keynote Speaker Dr Naheed Dosani interviewed by Azeezah JafryVideo