Coghlan, Michael2019-07-022019-07-022019-04-152019-07-02 thesis combines the score of an original work by Daron McColl for Guitar Quartet entitled The Canadian Landmarks Suite, for guitar quartet, plus a written analysis including process, intent, and methodology behind the works. In my analysis I will explore my personal process and challenges in completing this project. The suite was written to fill a gap in the guitar quartet repertoire and features themes that are based on a Canadian context and the celebration of the arts within Canada. The themes in the suite represent my personal experiences with places and nature that have impacted me, as well the composition is modeled after many of my musical influences. The score is a collection of works intended for a modern guitar player, who is experienced playing in both, commercial music and jazz settings, as well as having some knowledge of classical guitar repertoire. This collection of works is intended to be a departure from the conventional guitar quartet because, it is written specifically for steel string guitar rather then nylon string. The works also include parts that explore the extended techniques and timbres specific to the guitar.enAuthor owns copyright, except where explicitly noted. Please contact the author directly with licensing requests.MusicCompositions for Guitar Quartet: Suite For 24 Strings The Canadian Landmarks SuiteElectronic Thesis or Dissertation2019-07-02guitarquartetmusiccompositionjazzsuiteCanadian