Diderot, Denis2011-08-252011-08-251905-06-11http://hdl.handle.net/10315/98481. Program [Attached] 2. La métamorphose. Corps écrit. 3. Unknown author. (Unknown date). Duo in Diderot dilemma.... Unknown source. 4. Articles about the show from various newspapers. 5. La presse unanime. 6. Articles about the show from various newspapers. (1987 - 1988). 7. Memoramdum 8. Le Théâtre Universitaire de Franche-Comté Présente. 9. Les Spectacles Remy Renoux. 10. Théâtre de la Potinière. Propesitions of Madame de la Carlière. 11. Fiche technique de spectacle "Madame de la Carlière". 12. Memo on set and lighting. [Manuscript]Archival file for the Glendon College production of Madame de la Carlière, presented by Théâtre de la Potinière, directed by Pierre Tabard. The play was performed 1989.frMadame de la Carlière (1989)Other