Kapoor, Ilan2011-04-072011-04-072004Ilan Kapoor, "Deliberative Democracy and the WTO," Review of International Political Economy 11.3 (2004): 522–541.http://hdl.handle.net/10315/7852Habermas's rules-based deliberative democratic perspective underscores issues of power, legitimacy and justice. The article deploys this perspective to reveal how the lack of legitimating procedures and rational deliberation at the World Trade Organization (WTO) yields power politics and unjust outcomes. It examines the rule-making process in the successive trade Rounds that led up to the WTO, as well as the politics of the organisation's rule-application and consensus-making practices.enThis is an electronic version of an article published in the Review of International Political Economy [Ilan Kapoor, "Deliberative Democracy and the WTO," Review of International Political Economy 11.3 (2004): 522–541]. The Review of International Political Economy is available online at: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09692290.asp The article is available online at: http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a714024837~frm=titlelinkDeliberative democracy; political legitimacy; WTO decision making; consensual international agreements; North-South trade negotiations"Deliberative Democracy and the WTO"Articlehttp://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/titles/09692290.asphttp://www.taylorandfrancisgroup.com/http://www.informaworld.com/smpp/content~db=all~content=a714024837~frm=titlelink