Rouf, Kazi Abdur2019-12-192019-12-192019-12Kazi Abdur Rouf. Study findings of the Grameen Bank higher education student loan services in Bangladesh. York Center for Asia Research. 2019. survey conducted on the Grameen Bank higher education student loan services in Bangladesh in 2015-2016. The survey sample size is only 61, and the paper narrates the survey findings. The purpose of the survey is to know the GB higher education student loan portfolios, the status of the student loan repayment rate, and the role of the student loan users in community development in Bangladesh. The study finds the student loan program of GB is accessible and useful to the children of GB borrowers for their higher education study in Bangladesh. The student loan receiving children of borrowers of GB is ornamental to engage in different community organizations and civic activity participation in their neighborhoods. However, GB needs to massively expand this program and improve its higher education student loan collection and monitoring strategies in Bangladesh.enAttribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 CanadaGrameen BankStudent loansHigher educationBangladeshStudy findings of the Grameen Bank higher education student loan services in BangladeshWorking Paper